
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 13:23:35
在GRE查成绩的时候遇到Information does not match our records,请问如何解决?注:姓和名颠倒过多次. 我国目前实行的人民币汇率制度有什么特点? 等差数列Sn=Sm注意是前n项和等于前m项和 求S(m+n)即前m+n项和 目前中国的人民币制度是什么 陈设的近义词 是什么呢? 陈设的近义词是什么啊, I s____ you p____ with dolls at this time yesterday 横线上填什么 英语改错题 1、the twins,with who we were talking at this time yesterday,are now in America.2、It is daybreak,because the birds are singing. 每空一词,Can you(h什么)kids with swimming? can you ___kids with swimming?jjjj 蔬菜怎么能在上海蔬菜市场里向外批发?我种了很多蔬菜.可不可以在上海的蔬菜批发市场里,向外批发卖出?怎么卖 方程组解答:某蔬菜市场某天批发1000千克青菜,上午按每千克0.8元的价格批发500千克,中午按0.4元的价格将余下的青菜批发万,求这批青菜的平均批发价格 空间无法保存新的主页.报错为:no exist to me see see 这是怎么回事? 空间主页怎么老出现一个no exist to me see see的对话框空间的什么东西都没了 格筛的分类? 某中学组织一批学生春游,原计划租用45坐客车若干辆,但有15人没有座位;若租用同样数量的60座客车则多出一辆车,且期于客车恰好坐满,问这批学生人数是多少?原计划租用45左客车多少辆? 分级筛粉机哪有卖的?就是一个圆筒里面有网子.利用毛刷把木粉粗细分离的.很简易的.就一个圆筒里面一个网子三个木刷外观就像油桶。里面有个主上面有毛刷和刮板。 家里安装空气筛的话会不会对人体有辐射?如题 . 初一 下册英语p60的Self Check的2对话中文翻译及意思 一个圆柱的底面直径是十二厘米,高是直径长度的四分之三.这个圆柱的表面积是多少平方厘米? Jerry wasn't careful enough to pass the test.(改为同义句)Jerry was ___careless ___pass the test. 圆柱的长度是12m底面半径是2.5m,求圆柱表面积 It also follows that human domestic servants will have completely ceased to exist.请分析一下句子 一个圆柱的底面直径是12厘米,高是直径长度的4分之3.这个圆柱的体积是多少立方厘米? have long ceased to be I love the once you,but everything has ceased to 甲乙两车同时相而行,2小时后,甲车到达两站中点,已知甲车与乙车所行路程的比是5:3,这时乙车离东站还有14千米相距多少千米 改同义句 could you please help me with my match c改同义句 could you please help me with my match could you please me math.怎么改? can yuou please go with me 同义句can yuou please ________ with mecan yuou please go with me 同义句can yuou please _____ ____ with me 两个空··· How careless you are to()the stove()while you're away!Really()bad news A,let,on B,let,open C,leave 三行三列共九个点,以这些点为顶点可组成多少个三角形? 歌词:L is for the way you look at me……….这首歌叫什么名字?