
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 03:23:52
求一副市电转12v直流(非常稳定)电路.不要求大电流,220V经电容(680n左右400V以上,并联一个1M左右的泄放电阻),再经桥式整流(1N4007就可以)电容滤波,再经lm7812稳压块儿,是否可行?lm7812会不 Those apples are lovely and red.改成what引导的感叹句遇见的问题,请看问题补充What lovely and red apples they(这里为什么不用those尔改成they) are!还有就是lovely和red之间的and给去掉了,变成what lovely red apples t those are lovely animals 改为感叹句 光照和暗反应关系 who are going with?_____(she).怎样回答?这个英语题怎么回答?Who are you going with?________(she),Lucy.大哥大姐教教只能用一个单词回答 爱国主义与民族主义的关系 苏联解体后与西方国家的关系有好转吗 standard setting and financial reporting怎么翻译 financial reporting standard和financial accounting有什么联系啊?我读financial accounting还能差不多懂,读FRS就完全不是很理解了, 什么是International_Financial_Reporting_Standards? financial reporting statements financial怎么读 Mary is in a red dress.Mary ____ ____ a red dress. Which sentence below is right?Five kilometres is a long walk.Five kilometres are a long walk. 细胞呼吸产生的[H]与光合反应产生的[H]是同种物质吗? Let's do our homework f____ ,then we can play games. 一般的细胞呼吸都以( )反应来表示MS是问细胞呼吸的定义饿…… 英语翻译You do not have to make a special application for financial aid.The application package asks if you require financial aid. any other和the other 的区别 给出解释并造句 翻译在线Do you need financial aid or scholarship? financial security英语句子翻译Many have been disappointed to find that a college degree and a well-paid job don’t guarantee financial security. 如何帮助无家可归的人 请列举方法 哪里有卖新概念英语的?当地的新华书店? 请帮我翻成英文车上用的、插SD卡的、能收音的、音响,英文叫什么?说明书中用. 请帮我翻成英文吧,关键词:财务管理,中小企业,效益,会计 是不是新华书店里,一般都有《新概念英语》卖啊? 新华书店里有新概念英语的答案吗? This is( )"F"in 26 letters 变否定形式I have coffee.she likes tea.they are working hard. 4道英语句变否定和一般疑问1.Lucy and Kitty are play football.2.My teacher will have a good journey.3.Ben has a letter from *(这个词忘了) undle.4.Simon and Tong often go to school together.直接写出否定句一般疑问句 一般 他们收养了这个无家可归的孩子翻译成英文 第五题,数学正弦定理,求过程