
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:17:53
要详细一点的,最好还有纸的来历 是“so much of today”还是“so much for today”? Feeling much better today! So I decided to kill! Cool!是什么意思 makes today seem rather sad,So much haschanged译成汉语什么意思 ( )wh have got ____food today.A.so much B.so many C.too many D.very much May the force be with you! 英语作文The Importance and Secrets of Keeping Healthy提示:a balanced diet要求100词左右 关于团结的歇后语 ( )()团结 怎样求合力? Today the public is much concerned about the way____A.nature is being ruined B.which nature is ruinedC.on which to ruin nature D.of nature to be ruined 它长8米,用英语怎么说 我们长的一样用英语怎么说(2种) 页岩气是什么? ∩__∩ ①Studies show that people are more __ to suffer from back problem if they always sit before computer screens for long hours.A.likely.B.possible.C.probable D.sure.②If you repeat the same good habits each day,you will be more___to continue That was the first time Dad had counted on me in a moment of emergency.More importantly,I found it was my turn to start 40.______for my father.A.making up\x05\x05\x05B.getting ready\x05\x05C.paying off\x05\x05D.looking out That was the first time in more than thirty years as a job holder that Coleman had heard such words.我不理解这个句子.是不是it is the first time that .这个句子呢?再说我对it is the first time that .这个句子也不理解. That was the first time (that) I had been in Rome.为什么用过去完成时?“第一次”和“到罗马”怎样体现出过去的过去? we are pleased that more people want to____ factoriesA look up B clean up C open up Studies show that many people's eyes now never get to the stage ___they……Studies show that many people's eyes now never get to the stage ___they are fully adapted to darkness.A.which B.when C.where D.what这题选什么?为什么? 什么叫“页岩气”,有毒吗? what,you,would,like?连词成句 Do you like salad是什么意思? “宽”用英语怎么说? Do you like salad? do you like salad?Yes,l do.no,ldon't的意思 Do you cousins like salad?Yes,they like _____.A it B it's C them选择一项. 波兰人和法国人长的像吗? 波兰人来自哪里?最好是英文除了波兰的土著,有殖民的吗? what do we Do you like him中文翻译谢谢 You need to do it like him.(改为一般疑问句)