
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 07:28:09
I want to know where I can find them I want to know ( )( )( )them If you want watch and know something about birds ,you must find······的阅读理解答案 在生活中,你也有过这样的知音吗?把你们的故事写一写短一点 伯牙绝弦 你也有这样的知音吗?读了这个故事你有什么感想? 给你的好友写一封信,把你的近况及遇到的事情(最难忘、最开心、最烦恼的... 你说:你要让我做世界上最幸福的女人.我相信你会做到的 英文译文 急:Deputy Vice Chancellor到底是啥职位?澳洲大学里的Deputy Vice Chancellor到底是啥职位? I don't know whom to ask 和I don't know who to ask 的区别? how to play basketball?I don't know.who know? 翻译:You don't even need to know hoe to turn your computer on Don`t turn off the lights.I need to know if what I am doing is right. 有名的古诗词这是我们要求背诗的寒假作业,有点小要求:要有名的,不要太长也不要太幼稚(像春晓、咏鹅一类的不要)最好是有名句的,30首,嘻嘻…… 英语改错:Who thought of the approach(方法)to do the work What is the way the profressor thought of to work out the puzzle to get the truth. 搏击俱乐部中"This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time."这句话在哪里出现?几分几秒? When Time goes by,this will be a part of your life.什么意识 仿句,要求与例句构成排比句式生命是盛开的花朵,绚丽多姿,灿烂芬芳;——————,——————,————————;——————,————————,—————————. 仿照例句,续写两个句式相同的句子,组成一组排比句生活是一首优美动听的歌,生活是一杯醇美芳香的酒. I think it is right____him_____the work A for,to do B for,doing C of,to do D of,doing选哪个,为什么 Read the passageand fill in the blanks with proper words.It is a f_____ story of a little girl named Heidi.She was an orphan,and was s______ to live with her grandfarther.Her grandfather haf a strang temper and lived in the beautiful Alps.Later Heidi 求一首英文歌,最后一句是baby,I thought you were the one, 初二语文.仿句仿照括号内句式,构成排比大自然一年四季都给人殷切的期盼.(春,以她的盎然生机,秀丽妩媚动人心弦;夏,以她的热情奔放、炽热强悍激人奋发);( );( ) I thought you were the one who'd stay forever. I thought you were in the States. 初二语文(仿照例句形式在括号内仿写一个句子构成排比)善思则能“从无字句处读书”(读沙漠读出了他坦然豪放的胸怀;读太阳读出了它普照万物的无私);( ) 帮我翻译I thought you were out的意思 I thought you were a man!怎么翻译 You were a robbery is one www.tbtml.com I escaped the disaster求翻译 sing your song,dream your dream,hope your hope and pray your prayer 关于 ‘理想点亮人生’的 征文 1500字左右 的 orz 还要上台演讲 ..... 征文《科技让生活更美好》1500——2500字 要仿写 把两根半径都是15厘米的钢管用绳子捆在一起每周需要多少厘米的绳子接头不算