
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 06:06:42
No enough room on your device.Please free up some disk space and try We can taik about the question___the phoneA over B with C by D in 测量15KW,460V/60Hz的电机电流,需要什么型号的电流表和电流互感器 我笔记本是256的空间是40 GB对吗我笔记本是256的空间是磁盘40 GB对吗?硬盘没问题吧 防腐剂有哪几种?越多越好.如那个山梨酸钾. What does the sign on the wall stand for?同义句 It's my first day___with a new firm.A.at job B.in job C.in work D.at work麻烦给出你们认为你们所选答案是正确答案的理由。或者给出其他三个选项不是正确答案的理由。 悲剧《窦娥冤》是谁所著? 窦娥冤是谁所著 You can do actively you don't normally do to keep healthy的翻译是什么 You can do _________ you don't normally do to keep healthy.(act) 秋天到了,很多树叶枯黄了,飘飘悠悠地落下来,有人吟出了“ ”这样的诗句表示对秋叶的喜爱之情. 关于班上得不好现象,我们应该怎么样做? It can't be your father ,____?A.can't it B.isn't it C.can it D.is itIt can't be your father ,____?A.can't it B.isn't it C.can it D.is it 化学上的小苏打指什么? 小苏打化学怎么写? 我想要起个好听的英文名,请高手帮我弄个谐音英文名,我叫黄宇森有没有好听点的?我要整个名字的,谢谢 我叫黄嘉伟,我想拿个英文名,要有谐音的 我叫黄琪钢.给我取个英文名.有点谐音的. 将《天净沙·秋思》改成一篇短文 人生如果错了方向 I want to be healthy and happy.Can the god help me? 寒风呼呼的吹着,改比喻句 将《天净沙·冬》改写成一篇小短文. 学习两个小时英语是Study two hours还是Study for two hours,为什么 Is Jane and Jenny your sister?哪里错了? 英语中音标的发音,里面的一些名词解释(如长元音[i:]的发音方法 该音是个前元音,是字母ea,ee,ie或ei在单词中的发音.此音是长元音,一定注音把音发足.其发音要领是发音时舌尖抵下齿,前舌尽 英语中音标的分法是怎样的 天净沙秋,改写作文400字,急,是秋,不是秋思.400字 He can't be at school, ____ ? A.is he B. isn't he C.can he D.can't he 选哪个?为什么? .He can't be at school,____ A.is he B.isn't he C.can he D.can't he请帮忙解释为什么选A. Bob can't be at school 为什么要用”be“