
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 13:28:21
大学计算机四级考什么?我马上要考四级 大学计算机四级对初学者来说要多久能过小弟对计算机比较感兴趣,想试下计算机四级.但是之前除了上网之外对计算机完全不懂,求过来人帮小弟介绍下.四级主要要求什么,掌握哪些东西.越详 上海的大学要求像英语四级一样考计算机二级吗? the remained c____ when all her family members were lost in the earthquake.don't speak unless ——(speak)to当我问他为何迟到时,他回答不上来(翻译) TO be honest ,_______________,i could not walk any furtherA.being tired out B,having been tired outC,tire out D,to be tired out____________ it onTAOBAO,he received the jacket after two daysA,buyingB.Having bought C.TO buyD.TO having bought It is generally believed that being hard-working is just_____it takes us to be successful in our career .A.that B.whether C.what D.how 请教口语高手问把《每个人都是生活的导演而我却拍了一部烂剧》翻译成英文是什么? 介绍些英文歌,温柔点的 英语翻译不要拿词典的复制粘贴翻译来打发我.希望翻译的有美感. 你的温柔的英文怎么写 国家英语四级有必要考吗?我说的是公共英语四级,不是大学英语四级,我听说现在很多企业只看大学英语等级,不承认国家英语四级,不知道是不是真的 英语四级不过可以考国家公务员吗? 社会人员能考国家英语四级吗?急…… 你说大学英语四级只能考三次是国家规定的么? 你的父母经常听音乐吗 用英语怎么说 1.I have a few questions ( )the environment of the apartment.填concern的变形.为什么填concerning而不是concerned 2.the ( )of blood pressure can cause headache anda heart trouble.填raise 的变形.为什么填raising而不是raised 3.I ( ) h I was a little disappointed when I saw the old buildings that I had known as a young boy_____now gone.A.were B.had 高二英语疑问Mr.Smith was very disappointed to see the car he had had ______ went wrong again.空格处答案填的是repaired,但我想问为什么不能是it repaired.不是have sth done么? 我对你反感 用英语怎么说 It pays to be pay当什么讲? Does it pay to be It pays to be honest Does it pay to be honest?我译成“诚实要钱么? it doesn't pay one to be honest 为什么会翻成诚实的人会得到回报? 谁有这两个英语作文 (我的家庭) This's is my family 还有 (这是我)Thi谁有这两个英语作文 (我的家庭) This's is my family 还有 (这是我)This's is me 急 高二英语改错 有能力的来啊Jim and Mary were a newly married couple lived in 1.____New York City.One day they decided to go to France,a European 2._____country.for a holiday.With everything ready,they arrived Pairs 3.____by plane,there they Do be honest有这种用法么?Do+do sth? these letters reveal him to be an honest man...这里的to be属于什么用法 absolutely,extremely,exactly,actually 有什么区别? to my surprise to be honesty to you joy to be honest 的区别及用法 最好是能描写爱情沧桑的诗句! This is my day 的英语作文