
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 14:02:51
现代汉语中,关于舌面元音中前元音,央元音,后元音的区分,具体怎样理解 英语翻译let's go backback to the beginningback to when the earth,the sun,the stars all aligned'cause perfect didn't feel so perfecttrying to fit a square into a circlewas no lifei defylet the rain fall downand wake my dreamslet it wash awaymy san 江苏最好的美食有什么?江苏哪里比较好玩,好吃的比较多?长三角景点其实大同小异,就好在来去方便,城市间交通也特别方便.如果你去过江苏了,那么试试一些有意思的地方.我推荐你去南通吃 tell him what his ticket is/tell him what your ticket is/telltell him what his ticket is___________/tell him what your ticket is____________/tell him this is your seat___________ in the end和to the end区别?faraway和far away的区别? 江阴有什么游玩的的地方 最好帮我写篇作文 美音中your 需要卷舌吗? 求作文《请随我来游江苏淮安》用移步换景的手法 ( )钉( )铁 含近义词 谢啦! I don't know where____ my car.填to park理由是什么 Payment sent escrow or paypal payment, Love other people,other people also love,and that is all,this is the law of the universe.In order to love,we exist.There are those who love comfort,nothing to fear from anything 写近义词 斩钉截铁 手舞足蹈的近义词 英语翻译谢的句子,口头讲的)2、翻译对联:快乐每从辛苦来,便宜多自吃亏来. 人类的载人与非载人宇宙工具最远分别到达宇宙的什么位置感谢二楼的回答.但是是2006年的资料...不知道最新的进展是什么... 近义词构成成语 星()棋() ()酒()篇 ()云()雾 ()天()地 ()峰()岭 ()钉()铁 games piayed yesterday in their room thechildren quickly 怎样排序 父母不会卷舌会生出卷舌的孩子吗 I can speak a little Chinese.能说成I can speak Chinese a little吗? 当k为何值时,不等式2x2+2kx+k/4x2+6x+3 若不等式2x^2+2kx+k 若不等式 2x2+2kx+k 4x2+6x+3 <1对于x取任何实数均成立,求k的取值范围.△为何<0 伊拉克是哪个国家? 谁知道世界上比较有知名度的国家的英文名?比如:伊拉克,阿富汗等.请按照此格式写:中国:China 伊拉克现在属于那个国家所有 far away from可不可以换成far away to 英语划线提问括号代替,My father (did some housewoyk last night).麻烦回答()()your father()()() x^2-2ax+1>0,a∈【-2,-1】恒成立,求x范围麻烦用参变分离的方法做,将不等式看做单调的f(a),代入-2、-1均大于0的方法就不用了. he is looking out of the windows.如题 ,翻译,另:句中of的作用 f(x)=x^2-2ax+a-2 x∈[2,3] f(x)>=0恒成立 求a范围