
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 22:58:15
孙犁 荷花淀要全文就这样,什么简介的,都不要! 我对贾里的理解 怎么写 如果答得好 呵呵。不赖 求新目标英语词汇mp3+Lrc同步单词显示有的话+分 人教版新目标英语7-9年级单词MP3+LRC 新目标英语七下单词(MP3+LRC) 新目标英语八年级下册 单词 3a等 mp3 (最好带歌词) —Do you have any problems if you_this job? —No. A—Do you have any problems if you_this job?—No.A.are offered B.will be offered Do you have any problems if you ____this job?Well.Im thinking about the working day.A offer Bwill C are offered Dwill be offered -Do you have any problems if you ( ) this job? -Well,I'm thinking about the working day.A.are offered C.will be offered急,说明理由急啊,跪求,怎么没人回答 Do you have any problems if you ( )the jobare offered 还是will be offered Do you have any problem if you 【are offered 】this job ?为什么主句没有用将来时?被动语态中是一般现在时? 《芦花荡》作者孙犁,他在艺术实践中形成了一个文学流派是_______? 写一篇80字英语短文关于What kind of a job do you want to have after graduation?And give your reasons What job do you want to have this time? What do you want to be when you are older?Why are you interested in this job?(作文)最好把作文写上去 Have you decided what to do about that job(that) was advertised?请教括号内的that怎么理解呢?有相关例句最好了~ i want to study eingish,what should i do i just have a job last year ,but i'm not busy Do you have a career planning?How do you prepare for your future job? I didn't do a good job.___ you have tried your best.A.Above all B.In all C.At all D.After all请问此题答案应该选哪一个,请讲明原因. Do you have any problem if you ___ this jobDo you have any problems if you ____this job?A:offer B:will offer C:are offeredD:will be offered You have done your job,______?A:didn't you B:have you C:haven't youD:did you 《芦花荡》的作者是( ),这是他的“白洋淀纪事”侄儿、“之一”是他打的另一篇小说? 孙犁的“白洋淀纪事之一”是什么 Murali:Do you have a job?Hello,I would like to know if Murali has a job.Are you employed by SapFans or do you spend your whole working day responding to every SD question?How does you employer react to your obsession with SapFans?Your partner must be We have a job for you .为什么用for?为什么用as? do you have the vacancies for full-time job?老大你帮我参考下这里的for能用of或about?我觉得可以哟,你怎么看?我现在对这个还有点儿拿不准,有的不太明确的就帮我参考下呗,做多了我就会了,现在还暂时 快车的车长是250米,慢车的车长是600米,两列火车相向而行,如果坐在慢车上的人看见快车驶过窗口的时间是5秒,快车的速度是慢车速度的1.5倍,快车的速度为每秒多少? 有什么骂很暴力 很贱的女生的话吗(词也行)?那女生叫李香凝 要词 句子的话不要太长 形容人“贱”用哪个词? 用什么词来形容女人贱 清朝,为什么皇帝的母亲叫老佛爷? 光绪皇帝的亲生母亲是慈禧的妹妹?如果是她妹妹的亲儿子那么慈禧太后既是光绪皇帝的姨妈.俗话说:“姨娘亲,打断骨头连着筋”那么慈禧太后为什么要找自己的外甥做傀儡?