
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 11:40:20
My family is _____ _______ ________ ____ now.我的家人正在进行一个庭院销售.I've had this magazine for _______ _________ _______ months.我拥有这本杂志几个月了.The government has ____ teachers from the cities ______ help childre 用"持"组词并填空(注意不能重复)( )工作( )锻炼( )和平 英语翻译To relate salesperson performance to sales organization goals catch和catch up with 有什么区别? catch 和catch up with的区别 fork什么意思 orking on office stuff.how about you?what is your news fork working on office stuff.how about you?what is your news "What about you?"与"And you?"的区别? 梳妆台的镜子对床头怎么解决 我收要一封微软的发来的Action Required:Your Microsoft Certification Access Code Is About To Expire考微软初级认证后发的,上面有各种国家的语言,最后要的上面有好多英语,不知道怎么填写, 1.We always go home_____lunch空里可以填for或to have吗,为什么?2.I usually go to school by bus at 6:00.还是I usually go to school at 6:00 by bus.3.I play basketball with my friends on the playground at 15:00还是I play basketball with my f He tried every (A) means  to (B) make out  (C)that is written  (D) on  the pape哪个词错了 三角形ACE和三角形CBF是等边三角形,求证:CD平分角EDF 已知点A(1.,2),B(5,5),C(5,2)问是否存在点E使三角形ACE和三角形ACB全等, 初三数学题……如何证明三角形ABD与三角形ACE相似 一次集会共到了2002人,有的带红帽子,其余的戴黄帽子,任意两个与会者中至少有一个 戴黄帽子,黄碧红多几 Although he was badly hurt,he ___ explain what had happened.a、couldb、mightc、was able tod、could not He d____ exacxtly what had happened. (高中政治)从政治生活角度阐述西藏为什么能发生巨大变化. altium designer 中怎么标记引脚 检验批质量验收包括哪些内容 《工程竣工质量检查报告》和《工程竣工质量验收报告》有什么区别? other/the other/others/theothers/another都该如何运用?other/the other/others/theothers/another这些词都该如何运用! ()棱长为2厘米的正方体拼成一个棱长是4厘米的正方体 井巷单位工程观感质量检验评定表中,平巷和斜巷的标准分是怎么划分的?主控项目包括哪几项,标准分值怎么划分.一般项目哪几项,标准分值怎么划分? 我要出国了,去面试的时候要考英语吗?我办了移民,去美国,3个月内我就要离境了,去广州面试的时候,需要考英语水平吗?我是学美术的,我爸准备帮我停学停画,准备报个3个月的雅思班真的要这 the doorbell is ringing someone is ringing the doorbell.go and see_.Awho is he Bwho he is Cwho is it Dwho it is能说明原因吗 为什么定语从句就要用陈述句呢 t^4-4t^3+2t^2+1=0怎么分解 第十题为啥选b