
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 20:14:56
怎样快速摆魔方大神们帮帮忙. 例:Mary is reading a book now.改成 Mary is going to read a book tomorrow.1.I am having lunch at school now.(用the day after tomorrow改写)2.They are not singing and dancing now.(用next weet改写)3.Sandy isn't cleaning the classroom now.(用thi 求教英语句改句2.The pupils are drawing their favourite animals.『改一般疑问句』3.This is a nice dog.『感叹句』4.Birdie likes com.『用what』5.I usually get up {at six thirty} in the morning.『括号部分提问』6.They are pla 英语句改句求教:These apples are {the yuan}.『括号部分提问』 These is {some} water in the glass.『括号部分提问』Tom will buy a toy car for his brother as a birthday gift.『改一般 求教英语改句Tom is {under the three}括号部分提问Alice needs {a} knife and {three} pencils.同样 英语改句求教(改肯定句):Is that train Nroman‘s?(括号部分提问):Jenny is {sitting} on the floor.(括号部分提问):This girl is making {a chocolatelate cake} for her mother.(改感叹句):He is a big eater.( 你对克隆人的看法?赞成谈谈理由;不赞成谈谈理由. 辩论赛,我是四辩(安全制度比安全意识更重要) 需要高人巴帮忙准备材料 第一次见到魔方就爱不释手, 魔方初学者该怎么玩? 辩论赛 一辩陈词 (安全意识比安全制度重要) 大粒盐中是否含碘 为什么这么改呢 英语1.I have no reason to be nervous.(改为复合句)KEY:I have no reason that I'll be nervous.为什么要用will be呢?2."Abbreviations"are formed by (using the first letter of each word in the phrase.) 根据括号内的 英语 请问能这么修改吗?The platform would rise up and down alongside a skyscraper and pick up people trapped in high stories改为(增加了:who are ):The platform would rise up and down alongside a skyscraper and pick up people 【w 那个男的正在干什么改成英语 英语,怎么改, 英语 化学题目第10题会的来啊快 7-10题,快 7-10题,急 如何制作甜酒 求修改英语Dear John, I’m glad to get your letter asking for my advice on how to learn Chinese well. Here is my advice. You can join Chinese class, can learn and practice Chinese with classmates to the teacher.second,You also can watching Chine “一般来说,温度对化学反应速率的影响比浓度,压强大”这句话对吗? 【英语】能不能这样修改原句:The mathematical model recommended by Britain’s National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB) predicted that the screening programme would cause 36 cancers per 100,000 women,18 of them fatal.--------------- 英语句改句请教,1.The shirt is {seventy yuan}.『括号部分提问』2.I like yellow skirts.『改否定句』3.Mary wants {three} pears.『括号部分提问』4.My shoes are {ninety-five yuan}.『括号部分提问』5.How mnch is this dress 辩论题:(我是反方),反方观点为:千里马只有靠伯乐的慧眼才能被发现尽量写多一点,但要正确! 油不易溶于水中是物理变化还是化学变化酒精能燃烧放出大量的热 酒精易挥发 保险丝的熔点很低 是物理变化还是化学变化 辩论赛:雷锋精神是制度建设好 还是精神倡导好 我是反方精神建设的重要性什么的我想要自由辩时候对正方的问题 魔方玩法的口诀大神们帮帮忙魔方的口诀魔方的口诀魔方的口诀 请问魔方大神怎么操作给好评 魔方第三层最后两块了,就剩这两块了,怎么弄? 这是个什么魔方啊?奇了个怪啊有木有?大神有这个魔方的还原方法吗?