
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 06:54:31
mr smith is forty,but he ____ very old. a.look b.looks like c.looks d.look likethis isn't ____ skirt._____ is on the clothes line. a.my,my b.his,his c.her……her d.your……yours____ is your bike?the green one. a.where b.which c.what 用英文翻译:这句话大家都知道是谁说的,是《白雪公主》里的王后说的 食物类的英语单词,必须要英标(因为我一般都不会读……)不要太多,5个左右就可以了,最好是零食类的,不要蔬菜、餐具类的,其他的如题 我记不住英语单词和英标, 请问发型师的英语单词怎么写? 关於形容人(男和女) 外貌,体型,发型,服饰的英语单词 或句子! 每天的气温平均值怎么算 天气平均值怎么算 学英语是不是只要把英标学会了后面就简单了? 学英语是否一定要先从英标学起? 想用手机学英语,最好有英标呢软件! 问下现在学英语为什么这么难?怎么学好英标呀?单词课文为啥这么难?学会了,又忘了,还有音标,也是学了就忘,还不会拼~ 英语翻译A well-established,large U.S.-based MNE will probably NOT be able to overcome which of the following obstacles to maximizing firm value?A) An open market place.B) High quality strategic management.C) Access to capital.D) none of the above 英语翻译Long,long ago there lived an old man .He had a very big orange tree in his garden .On the tree there were many fine oranges .One day the old man found one of the oranges was bigger than the others .It was as big as a watermelon .So he too 以诚实写一篇200字的作文 围绕成功写一篇作文(200字)最好10分钟内,有人!%>_ 以《上课前》为话题写一篇作文 200字 英语英标 英语英标问题我的英语基础很差,现在想自学下,但是学了好长时间的英标了,死活学不会,怎么学都忘,怎么办?英标读法有规律吗?学英语非的学英标吗? 问题的英语英标是 英语七年级下册课堂点睛的全部答案.狠急.千万别跟我说去书店买啊和自己做. 有哪位精英能给我 人教版七年级英语下册课堂笔记?急用! 七年级英语下册课堂点睛9-10答案是Modules9-10精编测试卷 英语翻译In the story she is a king's daughter,a seven year-old whose natural beauty drives her jealous step-mother to attempted murder.The vain queen learns from a magic mirror that little Snow White outranks her as the "fairest in the land." The 有哪些写帮父母打扫卫生的作文450字 急求帮老人打扫卫生的作文!400字左右 打扫卫生的作文,帮其他人打扫的,450个字左右! 英语大课堂答案?是2007年8月的,是高二的!谢了~~~ 七年级上册《英语大课堂》unit1第14页答案?(不是全部)2.You mustn't ask a woman's ___ (年龄)in the west.3.She's a ___(可爱的)girl.4.They are g___ to hear the good news.(根据提示将单词补充完整)8.There's a square(广 七年级《英语大课堂》在哪订 英语大课堂答案(七年级6月) 七年级英语大课堂23页到27页的答案全部