
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 18:13:04
问一个超级简单的英文单词~被子的英文怎么拼~ 帮忙翻译3个超简单的英文词语,拜托了.可爱甜心(除了honey之外,还有别的翻译吗?)宝贝 (除了BABY之外还有别的翻译么?) let后面接动词原形还是let's后面接动词原形 WHILE WORKING这个怎么翻译? 英语词汇与结构 One day while Mr.King was working,he had a/an________:his left leg was badly injuOne day while Mr.King was working,he had a/an________:his left leg was badly injured.a,business b,accident c,matter d,event let's 是加动词ing 还是加动词原形? 英语小学的所有动词```要附加中文``不要太乱```好的加分! 全部的英语动词有多少个?都是什么?人们老总结不规则动词,照东西能帮我总结一下规则动词有什么,过去式,过去分词,加ing,的形式,出一个表.我只会死记硬背, Where's your pen pal from? 一道小小的英语题,帮下忙根据首写字母填空:(字母的个数与下划线无关)My e_____ is in my pencil—case.Spell your name,p_____What's that i____ Chinese?This is Lucy,and that boy is h______ brother.--Whose book is it?--It is( 请教missing lose gone的区别 sell 的用法.Danny——(sell) pens,pencils,markers,etc.该怎么用呢, 几个关于冠词的英语题1.They spent two hours on Kunming Lake in the Summer Palace enjoying the full moon.Q1:同是地名,kunming Lake 前不加冠词,the Summer Palace 又要冠词,为什么呢?2.In St John's Park there is a special garden fo 想提高英语成绩,该用什么书好?我现在已经是高三了,英语一直是苦恼,150分的试卷我只有四、五十分(完全蒙的.老师说我的成绩就是英语拉后腿了,我很想提高英语成绩,大家有什么书可以推荐 想提高英语成绩,希望推荐几类书籍,我是高中生,英语很差 想提高首先我的单词量很少,听讲座后知道阅读可以提高词汇量,可我不懂什么阅读书好.还有就是推荐一本有详细说明词根词缀的书籍 帮忙推荐大学英语四级教辅吧暑假在家想事先熟悉一下希望大家可以推荐些质量比较好的词汇书,试题什么的另外我在知道里面看了下很多人都说做真题效果最好所以想多做些真题.大家帮下 新大学英语四级有没有好的教辅书?我下学期就要考四级了 可英语一直不好 有没有好的书可以恶补一下的?重点补哪方面? 准备考大学四级,有什么比较好的教辅书?准备明年大学四级,有什么好的教辅书可以帮助? I would like I would like to 区别I would likeI would like to 的区别... 考四级该复习什么?有介绍的书或试卷吗 英语四级想高分通过 需要购买什么书,怎么复习?做真题就可以么 这两个句子对吗?Would you like to和Do you want to的区别Do you want to become a successful person?Would you like to become a successful person? 几个有关冠词的英语题1:london is ( )capital of the united kinddome.中间要填东西吗?可以不填,为什么 2:who is the tallest of ( )three boys中间是什么.一楼说的不对把。还有一题there are two hundred and( )workers 有关冠词的英语题目if you find yourself in-----situation where there is no one to take ----control of an aggressive dog ,you should try to leave the area slowly to avoid being attacked.A.a,the B.a,\ Cthe,the D the,\可situation 不被定语 有关冠词的题目(英语) 检讨书怎么写100字 I don't know who inwented_______cell phone,but Ithink it's_______most useful invention.A.the;theB.the;aC.a;theD.a;a为什么选择B? With ________increasing use of the Internet,it's becoming more and more important for us to have______good knowledge of information technology.A.an;aB.the;aC.the;/D.a;the为什么选择B? In face of ___ failure ,we should keep up ___ good state of mind instead of being depressed第一个空到底是什么啊! [在线等]高一英语选择题(关于冠词)For many people of Beijing,dreams of living in ( ) green area are becoming ( ) reality.A.a;aB.the;theC./;aD.a;/为什么选A? would like,want,feel like的区别和用法最好有短语, 如果可以请把我忘记翻译成英语是什么