
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:25:42
什么是抗氧化剂啊?它有什么性质、作用和对人体有哪些影响? Is this school____we visited last year?A.where B.the one where C.the one D.which为什么答案是C This is the school that we visited last year和ThiThis is the school that we visited last year和This is the school where i studied three years ago.这两句的引导词第一句中为什么不能用where呢?两句that和where为什么不能互换, Is this school ___ you visited last year?A.the one B.that C.where D.which 为什么选A而不选其他选项? Is this school that you visited last year?哪里错 This is the school____we visited last year.A.whereB.for whichC.///D.when 关于AB卷问题.AB卷答题卡竖(横)着是什麽意思? 高考答题卡AB卷!答题卡现在都分AB卷 横卡竖卡了 有没有大神知道到底是什么样的格式!1 A B C D 6 A B C D 2 A B C D 7 A B C D 3 A B C D 8 A B C D 4 A B C D 9 A B C D .这样?1 2 3 4 5 6 7 A A A A A A AB B B B B B BC C C C C 夏天,天气很热六个月的宝宝感冒了晚上还能开空调或者风扇睡觉吗宝宝感冒很严重,咳嗽的厉害,晚上能开空调盖被子睡觉吗?是开风扇好呢还是空调好啊?广东天气太热了不开空调或风扇根本 ab制是什么意思 吃饭AA制AB制是什么意思`! AA制、AB制之类是什么意思? AB制是什么意思?说简单一点啊? 什么叫AB制? This is the place ( )we visited last year 空中的关系代词填什么 is this place the one we visited in india last year定语从句拆分成两个单句 -Is this the place ____ you visited last year?( ) --when --which --where --in which this is the place___last year A,which I visited B.where I visited C,in which I visited选择哪个?其他为什么不对? this is just the place ( )we visited last year.A.where B.that C.when D.why 求20道小学趣味题 急 20题是什么? 二十道语文趣味题 (1.)5,5,5,1四个数用四则运算算出来等于24,该怎么算?(2)2,4,6,8,猜一个成语,是什么成语? 戴眼镜的人从空调房里走出来,眼镜经常一片模糊?(其中的奥秘) _____ the small town is!— Yes,it is more beautiful than ________ town that I visited last yearA.How beautiful; the B.How beautifully; the C.How beautifully; a D.How beautiful; a How beautiful the town is!Yes,it is more beautiful than __ town I visited last year A a B the C/这是中考题啊! once more i paid a visit to the small town last week.a.whereb.asc.whichd.what (once more i paid a visit to the small town last week__,I hadn't visited for years.A.whereB.asC.whichD.what (答案是C) 为什么? How beautiful the small town is!,这里的beautiful为什么不能用beautifully Her dress is__than___. A.more beautiful;mine B.more beautiful;my C.the most beautiful;iHer dress is__than___.A.more beautiful;mineB.more beautiful;myC.the most beautiful;iD.beautiful;me为什么选A 工业用抗氧化剂有哪些? 哪些是抗氧化剂 这是什么卷纸?