
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 08:34:33
英语的答句How many glasses would you like?的答语 英语2道句子的问题,(1)I'm going to pay the £ 20on a new bicycle.That's the _____.And then there are 36_______of £ 5 a month.(2)Charlotte bought a new cooker last week.She bought the latest______. full-blocked layout style是什么意思,商务函电相关的我是问中文怎么说? laughing my head 58 同城帐号是:字母 字母 ** 字母 下划线 字母 数字,怎么好多都是这样的帐号?这种帐号是不是全商家的 You never know, I those pretend doesn't matter 谁能翻译一下 谢谢 aOpt[this.index].style.display="block"; 英语翻译求大牛把一篇中文论文翻译成英文,好的话追加分数.文章太大,不能直接粘贴上来,Q我给你传过去.441583007中文4000字, 朗训少儿英语辽宁省办事处的地址是? $_$("txtValidate")[i].style.display = "";请问:这里的 $_$ 是什么意思 ?整个语句是什么意思?谢谢 这些诗是什么体裁(五言?绝句?律诗?) 是什么题材(写景色?内心感情?) 《七步诗》、《鸟鸣涧》、《芙蓉楼送辛渐》、《江畔独步寻花》、《石灰吟》、《竹石》、《闻官军收河南河北》 我叫华仕全,麻烦哪位帮我取个英文名吧!要和我们名字音差不多的哦! “yes,i am the superman 用英语写一篇新学期新计划的演讲稿2分钟就行! Moodswings (To Come At Me Like That) 歌词 I feel like come to an end中文意思 harry jumped ( ) in the long jump in the school sports meetinga far b farther c farthestd longest 用疑问代词或者关系代词填空:———— jumped the longest of all in the long jump?填完老顺便说下意思 “新年新气象”用英语怎么说? \"新年新气象\"英语怎么说啊? 打这几个字母老是出现数字打不出来字母求解? 语文虚词中怎么判断是并列,还是修饰,还是递进,还是承接,还是目的,还是转折,还是因果? 名词 代词 形容词 还有什么成分可以做表语啊 who jumped ( ) of all in the jump?A.longestwho jumped ( ) of all in the jump?A.longest B.longer C.farther D.farthest 表语后还能有什么成分pray you for mercy中for mercy 是什么成分,I am sick of it中sick表语后of it是什么成分, [ ]is the population of the world today.[]jumped the longest of all in the long jump[ ]colour is your mother's dress==li's black 4[ ]is your car the red one in front of the tree,,,用适当的疑问代词和关系代词填空 表语之后的成分是什么He is afraid of sth.这句话中的afraid of做表语 还是 afraid of sth作表语? 正确形式填空 1 On Christmas Day( )(family)eat turkeys 2 who jumped( )of all in the long jump (far) a bit Lily was up here the other day and she mentioned a man,um,older,a bit off. 一首887里放过的歌~男的唱的~里面有几句调和adele的should i give up or should i just keep.很像~ 表顺承、表转折、表并列、表修饰是什么意思?要怎么理解,请详细说一下 请分析此句的表语成分?请分析标语成分 “Albert Einstein was a famous professor of physics. ”阿尔伯特.爱因斯坦是一位有此句的表语成分是那部分?