
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 14:45:53
对不起我累了但我很爱你用英文怎么说 一行白鹭上青天的前一句是什么? 一行白鹭上青天的上一句是什么? 一行白鹭上青天的前一句 二十八星宿是里 宿 读音是什么 鹦鹉噪虎中鹊“集而噪之”的原因是? 文言文《鹦鹉灭火》中鹦鹉具有怎样的精神?从哪里看出来? 古文:鹦鹉灭火的意思看清楚!文章的开头为:“有鹦鹉飞集他山,山中禽兽皆相爱.……”别看错了! 英语翻译 酷字开头的词语有哪些 二十八星宿全名称的读音是什么请问富士山同志,你是不是跟踪我啊= = 我对你的爱永远不会变 翻译英文~拜托了各位 谢谢 这种爱对你是不会改变 翻译成英文 英译汉:Well,writing a short play is not that difficult ,and besides ,we have to start somewhere if we want to learn how to write plays . Other'S help god helps those who help 什么意思 He often helps others.否定句 He_____ _____help others he often ___me my english.a:helps with b:help withc:helps learnt d:help,learn I often help each other .怎样改为同意句? The sun was shining quite brightly as Mrs Grant…全文翻译 He recognized that it was ____Mrs Smith's handwriting.A.really B.excatly 选哪个 给理由哈 He recognized that it was ____Mrs Smith's handwriting.A.really B.excatly 选哪个 给理由哈 我觉得都说得通 不明白这两个词到底有什么 “Mrs. Zhang teaches bhysics in a middle school .”的同义句 请问LEE和LEVI'S哪个牛仔裤更好? 两个黄鹂鸣翠柳,一行白鹭上青天表达了作者当时什么心情 求《典范英语》7 1 刺猬女孩艾蜜(Amy the hedgehog girl)原文或mp3!最好是原文!可以不要第一章!分不够再加!原文? The American girl's ____ is Amy. The girl ( )blue eyes is Amy's sister.A.in B.has C.with D.have 名词性从句9.He asked me ___with me.A.what is the troubleB.what wrong wasC.what was the matterD.what trouble it is我选的是C,why ( )the four girl,Amy studies hardestAallBofCinDfor 英语书面表达(A)袁媛来自北京,她正在向外国朋友介绍北京.请根据以下提示:以Welcome to Beijing为题,写一篇短文.要求:1.短文意思连贯,符合语法规范,能将要点介绍清楚;2.词数70词左右.短文要 He asked her."Can you come with me" 根据下面的情况,写一篇小段文介绍ken的一些情况,不少于40词first name:ken last name:martin phone number:555-9862 backpack:no dictionary:yes 爱你万年 韩国字怎么写滴