
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 16:37:38
全封闭搅拌车为什么可以恒温、恒湿? 俗名为苏打的化学式为是?用于发酵面包的小苏打的化学式是?碱金属元素中金属性最强的是?在k和na中,与酸 I like to presend myself.l miss our past.什么意思 I like to present myself www.8461.net.I miss our I like to present myself,I miss our past.------ 我喜欢现在的自己,我怀念过去的我们.这句英语前半句应该怎么翻译?后面的是原来的翻译,从前后逻辑来看前半句似乎意思对,但是从英语字面来看貌似不 l like to present my self l miss our What's the main cause of the accident?Driving__after the drink.A.fast B.faster答案说选A,为什么不能选B?为什么要用原级?麻烦说明下理由谢谢! 取暖器加电阻的问题有一取暖器功率800w,220V,感觉太热了,想加一个电阻怎么加多大的电阻,取暖器本身没有档位.最好能告诉我算法.如换二极管怎么选用? 电暖气哪个档的电阻大高温还是低温的?求功率用I2R还是U2/R 家里有一小太阳取暖器,电阻丝坏了,因买不到合适的电阻丝,只买到一小功率的电阻丝,求高手赐教:不敢直接接上去,求高手赐教:是不是直接在电路上串联一合适的电阻,再接上电阻丝就不会 I want to learn English.Who can help me?的意思 he isn't so tall as his younger brother"in fact it was the best part of the journey 的英文同义句是就是he is(填)tall than his younger brother和(填),it was the best part of the journey You twin brother什么younger than you?好像是looks How many hours do you work a day?主语是hours还是you? Haw many hours do you work __ a day.介词填空 英语翻译people caught driving while drunk twice in the same year will have their licenses taken away for up to five years.英语报纸的翻译,周一要交作业,烦各位大哥大姐翻译一下. 16.The accident has something _____ with drunk driving.The accident has something _____ with drunk driving.A.doB.doingC.to doD.did这题选择什么呢,希望有个小小的解释谢谢 How many hours do you sieep every day怎么回答 the car accident due to drunk driving是什么语法句型?要查句型是什么语法结构在哪里查比较方便? 英语翻译‘我认为在家里看电影和在电影院看电影和相似的,不过他们有一个不同点就是去电影院会花钱’注:不许在网上找自动翻译,自己翻译,不能有语法错误下半句用have in common的形式 similar to the ancient Egyptain boats怎样翻译 However, cars are used for more than pleasure.分析此句语法结构for more than pleasure不明白为什么这样用 admit to do 有这个用法吗 admit可不可以加to do 英语翻译空格填的的是what 24.The accident _______ yesterday was caused by carelessness. A.happened B.having happened C.which happened D.happening 为什么不选D It was your carelessness that ___________ the accident.a.resulted from b.resulted on c.resulted with d.resulted in 请选择,并讲讲原因. little 和 a little 和kind of老师讲 a little 和 kind of 讲 时 是 a little 表肯定 little 表否定 几乎没有 但老师和 a few 讲时 a little 是否定 little 是肯定 到底怎么回事 凯 a little与kind of的区别 a little of,a kind of,kind of 的区别 天若有情天亦老,人间正道是沧桑啥意思? I am jealous.怎么读