
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 09:19:59
斑马,黑马,白马SR是不是就是颜色上有差别?三匹马 斑马是白马黑斑还是黑马白斑? 以生命像什么的排比句别复制啊! 生命是什么的排比句以生命为本体,最好有三句 英语翻译1.Mum told me she had something important to talk with me phoned you.A.called B.calling C.to call D.having called2.Could you lend me that book you____me about when I telephoned you?----No,I am sorry ,I can't .I gave it to a friend.A.were 英语翻译____after a long walk,Henry called and said he couldn't come for our party.A.Having worn out B.Wearing out C.Worn out D.To be worn out 英语翻译We need a drink.I'm really thirsty.______.Let's have one.A.Generally B.Strictly C.Exactly D.Possibly 食品店的英文怎么说 英语翻译1、I _____ the camera a couple of days ago,so they should have received it by now.A.has posted B.had posted C.would post D.posted2、Frank is a person who would ______ what he thinks right no matter what the cost to himself.A.put up with i would not know any better 如何翻译? 下面的句子该怎么读?在横线上写上你认为最正确的读法(感情、语气、重音).(1)“哦,你跳舞的时候我几乎没怎么看,我只是对你说了对其他所有人都会说的话.”(2)“你这句话几乎毁了 狮子大王病了 结合文意,揣摩猴子的逻辑思维,分别为文中两个横线出补写合适的句子 英语翻译说错 ,应该是I didn't know if he would come和i didn't know if he would be coming 翻译上有什么区别. 把下列句子按照逻辑顺序正确排列,并将其序号依次填入横线上,首句已给出. 英语翻译 If I Didn'T Know Any Better 歌词 “虞”字用作姓的时候念什么音? 虞美人的虞字怎么读? 是什么字木字旁写个加配上详细说明 想开一个卖包包的店,中文就用名包世界或名包天下,请问英文店名怎么翻译? 睾读音是? 睾的读法在字典里睾是第一声的,可是有些人怎么读“睾丸”时都是第三声的? what is your definition of a good society?主要要和环境和人的素质相关联 what made me sad was that i went to see her the day before yesterday 这个字念什么? 睾念什么 睾 念什么 虞字怎么念 考BEC需要准备哪些材料? 准备BEC需要的材料 具体的 国际社会承认科索沃为独立国家的国家有哪些? 为什么有的国家不承认科索沃和巴勒斯坦独立?