
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 15:03:00
We can save water __ the taps when we don't use it.A.by not turning offB.by turning offC.by not turn offD.by turn off receive email要不要一定加s,receive letter 呢 EMAIL 的开头自我介绍,用this is 还是i am 请问,发信给别人後,想请他再收信後回覆给我,英文写这样行吗? Please received this email by reply.请问,发信给别人後,想请他再收信後回覆给我,写这样行吗? Please receive this email and reply. Please received t Must I finish my homework tonight?--No,you___ A.mustn't B.needn't to C.don't have to D.don't need 未-亥-巳-子-戌-卯-巳-午-酉的结印是什么术? 铁扫帚命要知踪,犯者之时万事凶 申子辰年十二月,巳酉丑年十月中 寅午戌年忌九月,亥卯未年八月逢 女人�铁扫帚命要知踪,犯者之时万事凶 申子辰年十二月,巳酉丑年十月中 寅午戌年忌九月 有那位亲亲知道 寅 ·卯 .巳.酉戌 亥这几个字的拼音是什么呀! 亥年、酉年,寅年、午年,卯年指的是什么年?是指属猪,鸡,虎,兔年出生吗请问如果金和水比较弱,是否可以在名字里加带金字旁和水字旁的字就可以了? Some usually turn on a water tap and still_____water running after using it.填leave还是getOnly by doing so we ___ make our country strong and rice,填totally还是really? Please do not reply this Auto-Reply E-mail.If you have any response什么意思? 子丑寅卯辰巳午未酉戌亥净 每个时辰对应的时间, 申初末酉指什么时间段 we can save water by not brushing our teeth under a running don't wash your hands under the running tap ___this way you can save a lot of waterA in Bon C by d from 我想问为什么用in 而不是by?2)You _____finish you homework today a need't to B don't need C need't D need为什么是C不是D 3)johnso 器官用英语怎么说 器官克隆是到现在为止最好的科学突破 用英语怎么说 获奖证书复印件(原件备验).我不懂括号里的原件备验是什么意思.大侠看看现场报名时是只看复印件还是连原件也要看? 一山更比一山高 谜底 一马长着两张嘴 我手机桌面上iTunes store图标不见了,怎么在弄出来, apple store和itunes store有什么不同 英语翻译 everywhere,wherever的区别,两者位于句首时.eg:Everywhere he goes,he sends himself a postcard.=Wherever he goes,he sends himself a postcard.everywhere在句首引导条件状语从句,那whereever呢,它不是频度副词啊. 山高云淡 用英语怎么说? "音乐是我的器官,足球是我的勇气"英语怎么说? 定语从句如何判断 用英语翻译一下:汉堡很可口 但是汉堡不一定很好 很多人 吃不到汉堡就 看汉堡 想汉堡 到最后身材就像汉 怎样判定是定语从句啊 如何判断是定语从句 定语从句的判断In 2003 it was ready for the people of St Petersburg when they celebrated the 300th birthday of their city.这句话是定从吗?In 1770 the room was completed the way she wanted .这句话呢? “在水中加点蜂蜜尝凄凉会更好”和“把生菜、洋葱和黄油放在一起混合”用英语怎么说? 在水中加些蜂蜜尝起来会更好.把生菜,洋葱和黄油放在一起混合.一些饮料 用英语