
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 06:20:46
Jones's这个单词怎么读?想问问两个s碰在一起怎么读,最好给个音标. 《老山界》第23段,对于半夜醒来的描写,试着从描写的顺序及运用的修辞方面来加以举例.希望看见者速回 《老山界》这个标题在文中的作用 Daniel Jones d的《英语发音词典》第15版中的/i/,/u/,/iə/怎么读? 现在英语三级全国卷分AB卷吗 Why do I care about every word you say and I really care about your every No sooner had i got to the station than the train left.谁能倒回来给我看看...我结构不清楚..谢为什么大家有人是when 有人是before 都可以吗 _ than they started to work.A.No sooner they had got to the plant B.No sooner had they got to the( )than they started to work.A.No sooner they had got t the plant B.No sooner had they got to the plant C.As soon as they had got to the plant 英语三级ab有什么区分 英语翻译Watching a huge crowd,we can see laughter,cheers,hugs—but also many tears.It makes us wonder:why do people cry?Surely tears must be good for us—a way to calm the mind and cleanse(使清洁;清洗) the body.Yet studies show that Like you, husband, (I love you) also care about you. . . . .知道的速度回答...急啊... 我国沿海各省中,哪一个省的岛屿是最多? 大陆:面积___的陆地,___的环海.岛屿:面积__的陆地,__的环海 半岛:陆地伸进海洋的凸出部分,__环 在滨海岛屿地区,从内地到海边,地下水咸、淡水的分布规律一般依次 是() 、() 和9) . 德语drei读不好我会小舌颤音,但每次读3的时候在D后面总要停顿一下,有什么解决办法 Christmas 为什么可以写成Xmas 德语Jeden Morgen stehe ich um sechs Uhr dreißig aufmorgen是早上?还有ich怎么解? 1 eins 2 zwei 3 drei 4 vier 5 fünf 6 sechs 7 sieben 8 acht 9 neun 10 zehn 求以上德语的音译读法 Ich mocht sehr,dass du kannst dieser Person sind~Ich kann nur drei Jahren zu warten~德语翻译 we put our flag (at) the top (of) the hill在括号里面 为什么填at 和of啊 谁给讲讲 our first flag的意思 英语翻译greyhounds come in a variety of colors.grey and yellowish-brown are the most common. 北极夏天是什么样子的,南极的企鹅们又吃什么啊 南极的企鹅,到北极能生存吗? 南极的企鹅和北极的熊 ,会相遇么.,. 有没有教音标比较好的书?最好有舌头 口型指导什么的 最好有图画 附带光盘什么的 the students ,on the hill,next weekend组成句子 英语翻译2.Reclaim life's meaning.So many of my patients tell me that their lives used to have meaning,but that somewhere along the line things went state.The first step in solving this meaning shortage is to figure out what you really care about, 哪位大侠能帮忙翻译一下06年12月的四级阅读,不胜感激(请人工翻译)4.Bid farewell to guilt and regret. Everyone's past is filled with regrets that still cause pain. But from an emotional energy point of view, they are dead weight 什么音标书适合教三年级一下的小孩 长发飘飘是不是成语