
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 00:08:20
有3棵树,10匹马,每棵树必须拴单数的马,怎么栓,脑筋急转弯答案是5个字的 我常常分不清动名词和加S的用法,要求举举例子 18匹马分别拴在9个桩子只可以是单数怎么分? 日烦夜烦 TROUBLE EVERY DAY怎么样 cultural relics请汉译英! 关于cultural relics的文章 valuable cultural relics relics 不是崩溃的意思吗? cultural relics作文写一处名胜古迹,70词左右就可以了. 用英文解释ignore.再造个例句 用英文解释concern.再造个例句 The one who I am 还是who am I 为什么 拴牛桩是什么意思 熟牛皮的缸,拴老虎的桩 一根桩上拴两头牛 i am the one of boys who XX(am,is)如题,用am还是is 有一匹马要拴在湖中间的一棵树上,不能做船,也不能游过去,人也不能过去,问有什么为法? 句子,求翻译.不要百度的,翻不通.Stand tall like the sunflower and be proud of who and what you are and the environment will begin to support you. 一溜三棵杨,十马都拴上.请问一棵树上拴几匹马?每个字都很关键哦! 英语翻译I gave in --- and Julie learned the power of the written word.Over the next few years,Julie and I exchanged notes about boys,homework,phone calls and helping with housework.Some notes were apologies after shouting matches.Others were just 关于整个句子的意思,特别是AS引导的状语从句的意思,新概念第二册书上有这么一句话:A small fishing boat was carried miles out to sea by the powerful fish as it pulled on the line.\上句中as it pulled on the line这 smoke里面o发什么音出音标 【辨音,】doctor orry mobile smoke划线都是o,doctor的o是第1个还有:dear pear near bear划线是ear第一个是“sorry”,错了 list'什么意思 abbreviations-list是什么意思 decides的英语翻译 clear什么颜色? clear color 是什么颜色啊?客户给的颜色就是clear,清晰的颜色也还是不知道是什么颜色啊!是不是就是透明的? 请教什么是Sears Account, There_____a lot of snow in Harbin this week.A.has B.are C.is D.have 为什么选C one chile policy why need a question? Now I suggest we go up and visit the bridge for a good look there .人工翻译下