
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 16:09:17
搜索 用英语怎么说? “相关搜索”用英语怎么说? 32.True friendship is like sound health,whose value is seldom known_______it is lost.C.until D.unless26.We are ensured that there are enough textbooks for each student to have _______ when the new semester 27.— She looks very happy 英语翻译我的意思是,把1978年,这个数字,翻译出来。比如nine hundred and。不是要你们打了in 这样,我也用不着发帖~ 是啊用英语读 Can I smoke here?____________.Here is gas station.NO one is allowed to smoke here!A you`d better not B Of course not C if you like,you can为什么这样选呢? It was ordered that no smoking __________ in the library.A.was allowed B .be allowed C .would be allowed D.had been allowed 15.Being competitive for price and attractive in packing,our honey will be popular European customers with its special flavour.A.with B.for C.against 这5道英文选择题,选哪个?11.We are sure that you will find a ready market for this quality product,and your customer will be well satisfied it.A.for B.with C.on D.in12.We offer you an article the highest quality at a very reasonable price and 英语六级好考吗?我四级裸考的,一次性过了,431分,现在上的是类似合作办学,有老外的全英授课……四级的时候完全没有准备,买的真题卷,成绩出来了还没拆封……我考六级的话希望大不?要准 英语六级难考吗英语六级比四级难多少啊? 英语六级难不难,今天下午考六级,求指导 英语六级试难考吗?体型 范围 考英语六级难吗? 销售额,英语怎么说?除了SALE之外还能怎么说.最常用的是哪个? 请问销售额还有营业额用英语怎么说?如有达人请顺便帮忙翻译下作为一名业务员,我需要保持公司营业额的增长,和客户保持良好的关系. 一道英语选择题,应该选择哪一个呢?Of the two T-shirts,I chose_____A.the less expensiveB.the one least expensiveC.the least expensiveD.the least expensive of them -What did she think of her success?-She felt honour to earn the award "best stage play actress" earn the award "best stage play actress" an earn the award "best stage play actress" an an honour to have earned the 英语翻译Our country has been changed a lot since 1978 可以吗 英语六级水平考雅思达到6.0需要如何做准备我现在读大二,目前是六级刚刚可以过的水平,准备出国读研究生,要求雅思6.0,不知道该如何做准备,望详解 考英语六级,需要做怎样的准备? 考英语六级有什么好的经验啊? 英语六级要如何做准备呢? 关于英语六级网考什么的············ 这个英语题为什么选C不选BA clean environment can help the city bid for the Olympics,which ( )will promote its economic development.A in natureB in returnC in turnD in fact 为什么选A不选B或C 轿车年销量、年销售额居同行业首位 用英语怎么说 实际销量 英语怎么说 ‘设总销售量为X’这句话用英语怎么说?"设"应该用哪个动词? 数字 英文89怎么拼写 做事有条理 英语翻译 英语翻译