
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 12:53:39
您好,我就是问一下,最厉害的犬科动物到底是哪个动物呢?我知道,最厉害的猫科动物是老虎,狮子,豹.我说的犬科动物指的是野生动物,不包括家里养的狗.我主要想知道,最厉害的犬科动物到底是 I don't know about his job,and I dong't care句型转换 I don't know about his job ,____ ____ I care. 用"是.让.似乎忘了.似乎忘了.似乎忘了."仿写句子.参考例句仿写句子.(4分)例:是季节变化的太无常了吧,让我们似乎忘了彼此的牵挂,似乎忘了曾经一起团雪球的欢笑,似乎忘了分手前的约定 10年6月英语,六级麻烦高人帮我估分.听力选择对了15个,填空4个,句子写得不好.快速阅读只对了前面的选择题.短句问答对3个,精读对5个.完形10个吧,翻译一般,作文一般.我能不能过啊?纠结了很久 等腰直角三角形内介于半径为20的圆,则三角形ABC的周长为? Not care about the more lost the Remember, Care about,the more lose more 能简单介绍一下辩论赛的规则吗? 用忽而……忽而……写一个句子 英语翻译还有一些同学乱扔包装袋 英语翻译三万六千九百四十元八角 在一个表格中,有time implication和cost implication 两项, Remembering these new words cost him a lot of time.cost为什么不加s求具体原因,不要草草了事 最新流行语屌丝什么意思 (根号3+根号7)*根号10等于多少?(5-2根号3)*5+2根号3)等于多少 1.圆O1和圆O2相交于A、B两点,过A、B分别作直线CD、EF,且CD平行EF,与两圆相交于C、D、E、F.求证:CE=DF2.两个圆圆心都是O,半径分别为r1和r2,且r1其中圆O1大于圆O2 草头,中间没点的宝盖头,下面“水”字,念啥? 有一个字是“宝盖头”下面一个“水”,请问怎么打?另请问有没有支持怪癖字输入的.我输暂住人口信息要用呵~谢谢了! :) 请问宝盖头一个水读音是什么? mono-mono 英语翻译要8篇英语短文短文要有中文翻译的有好的话给加50分~ 英语翻译Pursue the truck and Nigel,and when it comes into sight,shoot Nigel in the head a couple times to end the level.(I always wanted to shoot him in the head since I first met him anyway.) 英语翻译Limitations on Current Wastewater AllocationHagerstown’s ability to grant new wastewater service was significantly limited when the City entered into a Consent Judgment with the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) on January 12 问答配对: 1.What do you want?A. I'm sick. 2.What doe问答配对:1.What do you want?A. I'm sick.2.What does your mother want?B. I want the blue one.3.Which bicycle do you want?C. Yes,I want fruits.4.Do you want fruits?D. She wants a new bi 最近流行的“屌丝”是么意思 最近微博上流行的屌丝是什么意思啊? amount of money 后面动词是单数还是复数 money一词是复数还是单数some money是复数还是单数呢 这道题要写过程必采纳 第五题和第七题.第一个回答的采纳 be lost in Love on a word!What is that word?Songs of love Let me think of their own!Is it really difficult to love?