
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 16:38:24
How can you tell what type of consumers the economy is going to have in the future?为什么consumers后面不用加does?为什么可以被省略? 专有名词的首字母是不是在什么情况下都是要大写吖 普通名词的首字母是不是只是在句首要大写吖 there-----any bikes many years sgo --------上面填什么 read the following paragraphs and write down their topics and main ideas这样的题型怎么做呢? he looks around ___ me 介词填空 Eating too mach m____can make you fat Silver Bullets是什么意思 silver silver I welcome any suggestions you may provided( ) our English study A with B for not to be与don’t to be 的区别 not copy don't copy not to copy区别 成长的烦恼作文600急…… It was expected to land in the Inner Monglian grasslands on Octber 15. yes music is over 省略句they won't attend the meeting --Ang we ( )为什么填won't,either而不是too省略句they won't attend the meeting --Ang we ( )为什么填won't,either而不是won't too?这两个选项题目中都有 英语翻译我还是有些疑惑,因为如果All 在从句 that remains for me to do 中做主语那么remains 的后面不是应该接不定式的被动结构吗?谁能帮我再分析一下? He knuckled down to work.意思 land的有关用法还有相关的语法词组 descent 和 descend用法上有什么区别?举2个例句.这2个词都有下降的意思,是一个单词的名词和动词形式吗?有没有什么好的网上单词词典,会列出一个单词的不同词性的那种.不要百度和有道. how does the work get on? the,go,to,artist,how,does,work组成句子 how does the radar veetoring traffic circuit work 翻译句子,请问如何分析后半句的句子结构.请教: Britain almost more than any other country in the world must seriously face the problem of building upwards, that is to say, of accommodating a consierable proportion of its population In front of her was professor A,____of the physics department in the State University.A a headB one head C head D an head 请问选哪个 为什么? yesterday he swam in the sea .是病句吗,怎么改 swam in the sea意思 The chairman will ask us to attend the meering.主动句改被动句? 什么是都市复古潮流?求教!最近都在说都市复古潮流,到底是什么?怎么样的穿法才算复古潮流呢? The value of volunteering to plant trees英语作文 鞍钢是什么导向型为什么不是动力导向性 有关meantime的.用meantime造句.