
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 22:15:40
your keys not on the floor 还是your keys aren't on the floor She looks at the book.Sandy borrowed the book 2 days ago变定语从句The doctor lives in Japen.Japen is very small country.(前三句定语从句)I have a bike .The bike can take you to school.他什么时候离开中国。(宾语从句) 高二英语选择(有好评)We always have so many things to( ) after the long holiday.A.add to B.contribute to C.attend to D.devote to 高二英语选择green forms of energy are ---- we need to slow global warming.what which that how which one?& reason ,thanks 的选择The Browns have finished their exciting visit tothe farmland.All of them are glad ___ longer than originally planned.A.having stayed B.stayingC.to have stayed D.to stay pride,proud这两个单词的词性及其相互短语 Last night Li ping watched the football match at my home ,so he ____in his officeAneedn't have workedBmustn't haven't workedCshouldn't have workedDcouldn't have worked 为什么选D不选B ( B )could ti be in the restaurant ____you had dinner with me yesterday ____you left behind your keys and walletAthat where Bwhere that Cthat that D where that ( A )we have no idea at all _____Awhere he has gone Bwhere did he go Cwhich place he has g 高一英语急求解释___________you rinse your hair longer after shampooing to avoid the problem that shampoo soap leaves in your hair.A.Be sure B.Be certain C.Ensure D.Make sure四个看上去都差不多,到底选哪个,求解释 Mark was a student at this university from 1999 to 2003,____ ,he studied very hard and was made Chairman of the Students' Union.A.during which time B.for which time C.during whose time D.by that time 高一英语(具体解释一下)I'm going out tonight .Well, I'd rather you( )A.aren't B. don't C. won't D.didn't 助人为乐的人有哪些呀?越多越好!那谁无私奉献 路过的人为什么要助人为乐呢? )括号里的字部首是女 did,a,Mary,yesterday,not,park,to,go 连词成句 didn't,yesterday,a,study,I,for,test.连词成句 雷锋的助人为乐精神 雷锋助人为乐的 雷锋助人为乐的精神受到人们的是赞誉还是赞扬 I don't think Tom knows the key to the question,( You don't think our team will win the match,( 前面一句为什么是does he?是对he提问,后面一句为什么是do you?是对you提问?而不是will they? Tom knows the answerto this question.Tom knows the answerto this question.A.So Tina does.B.So does Tina.C.Tina does so.D.Does Tina so.麻烦写下原因. sb need sth这里应该用什么时态 The box is very heavy .He can't lift it.用too to so that not enough to 改还有两题The room is very dirty.They can't live in it.The pencil is very short.He can't write with it. The box is too heavy for___ to lift1.anybody2.everybody3.nobody4.some body 16到25 急.高二英语求18.23.24.25. 反义词加部首忧愁——( )轻松——( )垂头丧气——( )赞扬——( )和蔼——( )模模糊糊——( )写出下列各字的部首兀( )辛( )尺( ) 同部首的反义词 偏旁的反义词是什么 寻隐者不遇这首诗采用的形式无 寻隐者不遇这首诗的特点是什么? 英语翻译