
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 01:38:22
请组织一句成语或语言形容一次错误不能一棍子打死,改正了就应该给机会重来,不要太复杂,怪我没讲清楚,不是针对人,是对单位或企业 我们是情侣,他经常对我承诺什么什么的,但是从来都没有实现过,用哪句话来形容?成语也行? 怎么形容一个工作很严格,就是稍微有一点不满意就从来的那种(成语或词语) 咋样才能 让孩子爱上英语 海南师范大学听说英语要过四级不然就要过校里的 若都不过就拿不到学位证书 是这样的吗? 海南师范大学有四级辅导吗在南校区有没有有关四级辅导的?上课时间是什么时候?价格 句子结构解析That's assuming you haven't already died by then of some other stress-related ailment such as heart disease. 求句子的结构解析 句子结构解析,They include raising the minimum downpayment for first-time buyers to 30% of a home's value,up from 20% before,and a stop on mortgages for people buying a third or subsequent home.请问句中的raising和buying分别用作句子 句子结构问题 这是摘抄于科技英语的一个句子 是关于热交换器的Compact exchangers are used primarily for gas service.Typically they have surfaces of the order of 1200m^2/m^3,corrugation height 3.11.8mm,corrugation thickness 0.0 小红和小珍星期6在图书馆相遇,小红5天来一次,小珍4天来一次,下次她俩相遇是星期几 Manufacturing groups are particularly upbeat,with three times as many companies expecting increased activity for every one that fears activity will fall. 解释这个句子结构the guy who ran it before had a queue of people outside his office waiting for decisions on everything from taking a day's holiday to major investments 解释一下此句子结构What he wrote is more of a poem than a letter.这里of什么意思? matlab中的sign函数怎么用,为什么我写一个sign(100)结果是NaN呢? 英语格代词是什么 Good luck finding that match翻译 那是因为他努力练习,所以赢得了比赛 It____ _____he practiced hard that he won the match they practiced hard every day and __ they won the football match 科学课重要吗 英语中怎么表达时间? 科学课上的时间和空间如何有效安排呢? 英文中姓名中的谢怎么用英文表达 生活中有哪些常见的滑轮组啊,科学课有用啊 近墨者未必黑答案 电压转换器用英语怎么说! 几路电压英语怎么说?比如可接入3路电压 三端可调节正电压稳压器英语怎么说 “许多”的英文表达有哪些? 钱塘湖春行阅读答案 一…就 英语有哪些表达? 什么是供桥电压 寻是多音字吗