
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 18:53:55
金句和名言有什么不同? Can you please make sure your pricing is firm for 90 days 应该如何翻译? daily 什么意思 3为啥A错. related 与 relatingA new report says about two million people a year die from accidents and disease ___ to their jobs.A related B relating C have raleted D being related Who can tell me how to do it? who can tell me how to do 我就感觉最近生活特无聊,干啥都没心情,谁能给我支个招儿 Who can tell me how to do?I now have is unable to confirm themselves...Even my own I do not know how to do ..I do not know all the patience he continued,and he and his or breaking up..Sad for some time...Who can tell me... make sure that the keyboard and screenare the r_____height for you. 关于好奇心的名言要是人说的! How so,who can tell me how I Who can tell me how do I change? 做货代需要英语几级? 货代英语问题1.which of the following files are negotiable documents?ba.sea waybill b.open b/l c.stale b/l d.straight b/l2.bill of ladng is essentially a contract between two parties,namely the (d)a.shipper and consignee b.shipper and notify par 求一段名人说的精美语段,100字以内,有深度有内涵的 英雄人物他们的有哪些良好的素质?拜托各位大哥哥大姐姐,这是我今天的家庭作业!顺便留下人物的名字. 描写英雄品质的词 아이고什么意思 고향의 아침 是什么意思? 고맙다 주연아~ 아무튼 고마워. 虎视眈眈是什么意思? 虎视眈眈什么意思 怎么改变房间灯的颜色出租房的灯的颜色都是幽幽的蓝色,节能灯的那种,里面有一圈圆的灯管,外面有个圆圆扁扁的灯罩,我想把灯都改成暖色,比如橙色,该怎样改才即不破坏设施又美观?请问灯 there won't be any film this saturday evening,------?a will there not b will there c is there d will it be 战将风云 已经合好的天山雪狮能合成甲子金狮吗? a=(-8,1),b=(3,4),则a在b的方向的射影是 炫舞里可以使房间改变颜色的灯叫什么名字为什么我在家具商店里找不到啊 ,叫蝴蝶灯?没有名字叫蝴蝶灯,3Q 西班牙语和意大利语有区别么?听起来 好像的感觉 ? 加泰罗尼亚语和西班牙语有啥区别?西班牙语和意大利语有区别么?听起来 好像的感觉 ?加泰罗尼亚语和西班牙语有啥区别? 加泰罗尼亚语和西语有什么不同么?加泰罗尼亚理工大学是用着方言授课么? Would you like to share with us the reason that why you choose that function as your starting point If I had to choose,David would be( )choice.A (the bettr ) B (the best)选择哪一个?为什么?这一题的语境怎样理解?