
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:54:33
Peter and tommy changed their lifestyle because they want to be ( ).(having better health) different from可以放句首吗我想写的是:与...不同的是...Different from high school, students can choose the subjects they like. 韩非子的主要思想是什么 韩非子的主要思想 English questions HelpHe is Mr Green.Mrs Green,her d_____ and her son are all s______ in the sofa.They are watching TV.There are some flowers b_____ the TV.A cat is on the floor.我认为答案应该是 daught sitting behind 同意的说话不同意 英语翻译那是一本小说集,里面有很多小故事,其中有一个名为《伞》,作者是川端康成,讲的是一对腼腆的恋人在雨天去拍照的故事.作者借用一把伞,巧妙地把人类最原本最纯洁的感情描述的淋 We couldn't live without air and water for many days. 此句是否正确 The earth is about ----as the moon.A.as fifty time big.B.fifty times as big.C.as big fifty times.D.fifty as times big who i_____ this kind of bicycle补充单词(开头字母已给出 this kind of shoes is on sale in that s------.-------内填单词 s 为开头字母 英语 if you eat much junk food,you will getting fatf you eat much junk food,you will )getting fat应该写什么短语 求翻译how to find finally what to do about the things you missed or wished you do If you eat too much food ,your stomach will h___ what about___(sing)a chinese song with me? 关于龙的成语故事(画龙点睛 叶公好龙 屠龙之技和古文不要) 关于龙的成语故事,不要屠龙之技,画龙点睛,和叶公好龙,注意!是成语故事,不是词语! railway是什么意思 关于龙的成语故事,不要屠龙之技,画龙点睛,和叶公好龙,注意!是成语故事,不是词语! "a railway Railway Museum是什么意思 The little girl is old enough to ----- herselfAwear Bput on Cdress D be in The bottle has_____ ______ _______(满) water,don't fill it 为周笔畅填英文歌词 注意压韵 no carb and higher repsno carbs and higher reps the other day ,是什么意思啊?? 2013年的七年级上的英语一单元单词,全部的. 连词成句harbour years there a was ago 30 people are really very r____ The people are really very relaxed. really和very可以放在一起吗? the people are really very relaxed,我想问,really和very ,为什么不能是very really ,还有个relaxed,总是对这种句型理解的不透彻,呵呵 In front of his building with the rest of his翻译In front of his building with the rest of his friends Be careful to look both ways before you _______(横过)the street, 辽、金、西夏被灭的顺序、、