
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 08:35:33
Anna is good at ___ stories an always makes us ___A.tell;laugh B.telling;laurhing C.telling;laugh D.tell;laughing为什么选C不选B?不是也有make sb adj.的结构吗 怎样学英语?英语特别差差差差.希望你能给点感觉..请谈谈你自己的体会, ( ) of us is good at Engliah 求写篇英语作文 Living in Big Cities1.成千上万的人涌入城市,特别是大城市.2.我喜欢居住在生活方便的大城市.3.然而,大城市正面临许多问题,其中最大的是……不少于120字 (单词拼写)He always tells us funny j____ and makes us laugh happily. 他非常幽默.他经常逗我笑.He is very funny.He makes me laugh ()()( )括号里填什么? 世说新语读后感怎么写450字左右, the traffic ecpecially in big cities is getting heavier and heavier 什么意思 _____ great fun the children are having in t_____ great fun the children are having in the field!A.How B.What C.What a D.What an the boys are having great fun _______ in the wavesA surf B to surf C surfed D surfing ()is best to listen ti the teacher in class选择题AthisBthatCitDit’s 以“How can we reduce traffic jams in big cities"写篇英文演讲, even during the horse and carriage days,traffic in big cities was often heavy急求翻译 Li Ming does housework every day.(变为否定句) Li Ming _____ _____housework every day. The traffic is a_____ heavy in the morning.这是一道英语的根据首字母填空,请英语高手帮下小弟我!帮下忙啊,我会永远记得你的大恩大德! 高中生怎么提高英语成绩 高中生怎样提高英语成绩? 急.世说新语感受与兰亭集序二序前半部分都写良辰美景,赏析乐事,后半部分皆为延集后的感受,这感受有何不同?是金谷诗序和兰亭集序 要一个测试的题目 有趣的 1.She plays the piano for two h______ every day.2.I see three _____(bus) in the picture. 英语作文 Do you got stuck in a traffic jam?What should we do in order to ease traffic jams? 世说新语的读后感,不要太深奥,400—500字左右,我才小学呢. 帮我找一首歌好么?歌词只记得一点点,是一个甜美的女生唱的 :亲爱的爸爸妈妈,别叫我小傻瓜,虽然帮我找一首歌好么?歌词只记得一点点,是一个甜美的女生唱的 :亲爱的爸爸妈妈,别叫我小傻 亲爱的爸爸妈妈是什么歌 求音乐:亲爱的爸爸妈妈在等我,这首歌叫什么 I have wait to buy a ticket ____ so long but it is hopeless to get one.(选择:already,yet,just,for,since,never,recently,ever)为什么? It is _____(frustrate) to have to wait such long hours here.怎么填? 《新年新鲜事》600字我要补充:《新年新鲜事》600字作文《新年新鲜事》600字初中作文 一个三角形的两个角分别是29°,61°,若按边分类,它是——三角形 _____ you return the book by Saturday,I will lend it to you.A.Only if B.As long as C.So long as D.both B and C我想问so long as不是只能用于否定句吗?为什么可以选C? 下列说法:1,等边三角形是等腰三角形.2,三角形按角分类可以分成锐角三角形,直角三角形3、按边分类可以分成哪个等腰三角形等边三角形和不等边三角形 正确的有2,三角形按角分类可以分成 将长与宽分别为6与4的长方形纸片剪去3个等腰直角三角形后,剩余部分的面积最小是面积小于3的就不要答了,我说过3,老师说我还太大,还能再小.最好能上传图片.