
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 14:02:52
easy access是什么意思? 来到新加坡工作,英语听力不好,如何快速提高?来新加坡已经快两个月了,英语还是不大能听得懂,当然时间长了肯定会有改善的,可是我在这里只能呆一年的样子,而且我现在的工作就是每天和老 烟台欢乐魔方益智玩具怎么样啊? 欢乐魔方玩具 去新加坡英语重要不?要是工作需不需要英语? Yesterday she saw a film.And the name of the film is Harry Potter(合并成一个句子) 写一句应征标语 (例句:四川地震,伸出援手.) 要求语句工整,琅琅上口 我制作的玩具 是作文 我要一篇计划作文 西方人一日三餐一般都吃什么?有去看美国的吗,或其他西方国家的人知道吗 同义句转换We saw a film called Harry Porter yesterday. We saw a film ( )the( )( )Harry Porter 合并句子,the movie was wonderful.we saw the movie yesterday. 初一英语2.5两题 5.6. 在偏僻乡村的残疾人 怎么得到政府的支助和照顾呀 是不是需要申请什么福利?如何申请呢?困惑不解. 做对火速好评.2、4 Best Regards与Best wishes for you的区别如题,它们在用法上?在语气中?在与不同的对象交谈中?在书信中?.等各个方面.有什么区别?越详细越好. Mr.Green opened the door and sat down 同义句Mr.Green sat down ()with the door () 数学难学,怎么办?! 数学要怎么学啊.好难. 为什么学数学那么难? If I were in your position,I would act differently为什么不用was If you were my king -I would be your queenIf you were my king I would be your queen这两句分别是什么意思? Best Regards 是什么意思? (Were I) in your place,I would't give it up so earlyA:Were if IB:Were IC:Had I known D:If I knwe 为什么选B? 学数学难不难哦?我初二了,数学学着感觉好有难度的,我英语和语文最好.物理数学感觉好难啊!我数学从未及格过,得过倒数第一的,物理除了那些运用题外,我基本上靠填空得点分的!我从小学就 中国人向西方学习从器物到政治制度的变化是什么简短点的 (2/3)never cry And if the golden sun,Should cease to shine its light, best wishes的用法还有造3个句子 (1/2)If the golden sun,Should cease to shine its light, Just one smile f And if the golden sun,Should cease to shine its light If you were a teardrop in my eye for fear of losing you I would never cry 出自哪