
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 04:37:32
he wants to know what she ____(think)of the weather in Chengdu the weather this year is really a kick.怎么翻译? make a card什么意思 This year we must strive to make money ,save money ,fight for the future 是I went to made an e-card for Mum.还是I went to make an e-card for Mum.二选一 By the end of this year,I ______ enough money for a holiday.A.will haveB.will have savedC.will be savingD.will be saved 英语翻译越快越好 求 翻译~The most is that the gentleness of water,like a lotus,be in the cool of the bashful! What do you need to send and receiver e-mail得意思. The river carries the most sands so that the water becomes yellow. 这句话有毛病吗? he,or,knows,to,what,she,you,need,then,learn连词成句 连词成句 he,or,knows,to,what,she,you,need,then,learn 博弈论案例分析求解!着急!A, B 两家公司在研发同一种技术,率先研发成功的公司将赢得估值两千万的专利权.研发这项技术需要依次完成若干“步骤”,两家公司轮流行动(A 行动在先),直到其 冰心有许多富含哲理的诗句,如:"镜子/ / / ." Paul is older than me .He is my ___(old) brother. Jack's brother is ___than him,he is____than his brother.A.elder;older B.elder:younger为什么选A解释下谢谢了 有make a suggestion吗 Sending e-mail is cheaper than making a phone call.改同义句Making a phone call_____ not _______ cheap________sending e-mail. she likes reading a lot 的同义句急 快是she ()()a lot She likes reading c___ (连环图画) 我想起一个英文名字 要去美国了 但是不想太大众的 什么JACK tom 啊什么的中文名字:宋大千 希望各位英语专家给点好的意见和名字 The students have to wear( )uniform.A.a B.an C.the D./单项选择. javascript中slice和substring的区别如题 chip和slice的区别chip和slice有什么区别? 谁能解释一下博弈论第一原理?最好附加几个例子~~~提前谢谢了~ 最危险即最安全在博弈论中的解释为什么说最危险的地方就是最安全的地方,用博弈论怎样来解释? 是不是一切用piece;loaf;bar修饰的名词都是不可数?chocolate是不可数名词吗? All the students have to wear their__(uniform)on Monday.用正确形式填空 应该填什么 求英语大神帮我改一下语法!先说一下我想表达的意思:在加拿大,曲棍球联赛法定的注册时间是1月1日,这意味着,一个9岁的男孩必须是在1月1日之前满了9岁,才可以进入9岁以上曲棍球联赛,也就 没有人在家 英语可以翻译为Nobody is at home 吗 BEST-LAID PLAN什么意思Rt我还要laid在这个词组中的意思 杰克经常帮助他妈妈做家务的英文