
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 16:21:07
Soup翻译中文什么意思 翻译成汉语:We cooked cans of soup and ate the soup right out of the can. There are a few lumps left in the soup .求这句话的中文翻译 求英语翻译 that is the soup of the soup of the soup of the duck The 中文翻译是什么? He isn't clever, is he? ________He worked out theDifficult problem. 如何回答那个反意疑问句?用YES还是NO? ∫上限3 下限1(3x∧2-x+1)dx ∫上2 下1 (x∧2+1/x∧4)dx ∫上9 下4 根号x(1+根号x)dx 求定积分 the dolphin is () cute.A:little B:a kind of C:kind of D :kinds of how kind the dolphin is! The piece of music is ______.A.kind B.pretty C.nice D.cleverpretty和nice哪一个是用来形容音乐的?应该用哪一个? 求一个英语双人对话,内容是笑话类的,大概每人只说3至4句 Cloze 3The Internet seems so information-age 31 its devotees might find the circumstances of its birth hard to 32 .More than anything else,the computer network 33 tens of millions of users stands as a modern monument to military plans for fighting th would you like to go shopping with us?sorry,l have no t today按照字母写单词行了给15 how much do the glasses cost?回答“it cost”还是“they cost” 不会游泳求英文翻译 英语翻译I‘m very ___ ___ ___ at _____,but I couldn't swim in the past. 鸭子不会游泳英语翻译 他不会游泳,英语翻译 ___he___I can swim. Is the dolphin from Australia?改为同义句 How clever the girl is (同义句转换) 已知三角形ABC两边AB、AC的长是关于X的一元二次方程x^2-(2k+1)x+k(k+1)=0的两个实数根,第三边BC的长为5(1)k为何值时,三角形ABC是以BC为斜边的直角三角形?(2)k为何值时,三角形ABC是等腰三角 ∫dx/3次根号(2-3x) 高中北师大版英语必修三的单词听力mp3 1.My mother asked me ( ) her with the cooking.[A]helps [B]to help [C]helping2.How careless he was!He ( ) a lot of important ideas while reading.[A]kept [B]passed [C]missed3.When the students came into theclassroom,the teacher ( ) on theblackboard.[A] He is _____ a singer.A.famous B.famous for C.to sing D.to singing这题“a”在后面,我没有打错.翻了下字典也没有头绪,希望能给个过程. 请解释这个英语笑话?A lady lost her handbag.It was found by an honest little boy and returned to her.Looking in her purse,she commented,"Hmmm.That's funny.When I lost my bag there was a $20 bill in it.Now there are twenty $1 bills."The boy qu After a long walk in the sun,they wanted to drink----cold.A.a bottle of water B.something C.a glass of beer D.anything 帮我看看这个英语笑话讲的是什么?帮我翻译一下这个笑话好吗?A married couple went to the hospital to have their baby delivered.Upon their arrival,the doctor said that the hospital was testing an amazing new high-tech machine th writing is a slow process,requiring.thought,time,and effort.a.singificant b.considerable c.enormous d.numerous throughout his life,henry moore .an interest in encouraging art in the city of leeds.a.contained b.maintained c.reserved d.secured in my vi 有意义的英语笑话快!一定要笑话! 英语翻译狼崽从出生就吃素.狼爸狼妈绞尽脑汁训练狼崽捕猎.终于有天狼爸狼妈欣慰地看到儿子狂追兔子.狼崽抓住兔子凶相毕露恶狠狠地说:小子!把胡萝卜交出来!狼崽从出生就吃素.狼爸狼 作文:眼睛(500字以上)