
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 18:24:06
Just passed by,pay attention to your space!什么意思?麻烦了 Pay attention to your behavior什么意思? 求潮州话翻译成普通话:(一共是三句哦!)希望朋友们能帮忙认真翻译,有悬赏分1.答迈哭,物两粒糖去含含姐 2.给你科打啊!她说你嫖不告诉她.3. 迈娜,客啊刘桂娜物到个胆找细,你等早去死掉 根据首字母补全单词this is my s() ID card c()John at 4859657 I found a set of k() mature的名词是什么 怎么写 In spite of the three telling the same story,I could not believe it.这句话有语法错误吗? 大学英语四级只要练听力,阅读,作文就够拉?完型没的,改错没的?听力是不可以买磁带来听?有社么好磁带? 英语四级作文帮忙改错(在麻烦写出正确的语句和错误原因)~可以的话在评个分,就按四级的标准~1,目前电视的相亲节目很流行2,出现这种现象的原因3,我对此的看法ON BLIND -DATE SHOWDuring recent y 新四级题型中会有改错,短文简答, What day is it?同义句 今天星期几?是这种形式:_ the _ 快在今天20点之前提供的最好答案者送50到100的财富现在10到50财富了大家快来回答 steady和stable的区别 stable和steady firm / steady / stable / solid / 谁能区分这四个词的意思? steady与stable的区别是什么 stable跟steady有什么不同吗? 一篇英语自我介绍 姓名:**.年龄:14.性别:女.爱好:舞蹈,古筝,喜欢英语 不用太长,但要具体、生动些.是与老外交流 Harbour Cruise的中文名称Board a magnificent restaurant boat which sails along the Victoria Harbour in HongKong. harbour是什么意思 英语翻译不锈钢作为彩塘的支柱产业,彩塘的企业家深谙明白了“打造名牌,创新求变”这一科学道理,使得彩塘的经济成为全市最具有活力和发展潜力的特色经济. 英语翻译On April 13,2011,the Department published a correction to the final regulations published on October 29,2010 to improve integrity in the programs authorized under title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965,as amended (HEA),by amending t 英语翻译Don't feel bad after reading this email because i have you in my life now,We met at the airport for the first time when i was traveling to spain and she was nothing then,after exchanging talks with her,we then became friends and fall in l 现在四级还有改错吗全部都是完形填空了吧 请懂英语有心人翻译,谢谢!Don't feel bad after reading this email because i have you in my life now, We met at the airport for the first time when i was traveling to spain and she was nothing then, after exchanging talks with her, we then be 求英文作文要求要有姓名、性别、年龄、联系方式 帮忙英语四级作文改错Create a Green CampusIt is very important to create a green campus.So far as the development of students is concerned,it contributes much to enriching a student’s life,to purifying a young and to social harmony.As you sunshine secondary school 什么意思 英语作文,阳光中学(Sunshine Secondary School)组织了一次 The school __(call)Beijing Sunshine Secondary School. In Beijing Sunshine Secondaey school的中文意思 In Beijing Sunshine Secondary School,every stuedent has a locker改成用Dose 开始的一般疑问句 chief quantity surveyor是什么意思 they decide in the mountain A.hiking B.on hiking C.to hiking D.not hiking