
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 13:49:03
train the is station at the 连成句怎么写 I have another question to ask you for help!Do you provide internet access and tea/coffee maker in the room?Is there any room available on Dec,25th?把上面句子换成I'D LIKE TO KNOW 的表达方式,如何改?哪种表达好?I'd like to know wheth I think we should help___.a.One b.Other c.Another d.One another your answer to the question is right,but l think we can answer it in another____(方法). "Thanks for your help answering my question" is better I think不好意思,搞错了,我原来想回答一个问题!初级会员... 三峡水电站真的改变了长江流域的气候了吗麻烦告诉我 The gas is off 为什么说三峡水电站破坏了生态环境 中国的各个地区的邮政编码是什么 中国的国际邮编是多少 the police station什么意思 at the police station是什么意思 police 写出带有海字的成语(最少三个)泛指全国各地比喻危险之地比喻没有消息比喻力量强大形容人数众多形容东西难找 the police station翻译成中文 what do you think are possible ways to improve the quality of our live不是翻译,要大虾们想象答案 What should we do if we want to develop our village?I think a lot of new roads________---A have built B must be built C must built D must build 我觉得选B.你们觉得呢 就是 what do you think () to improve my english A can i do B should i do C to do D i can do 概念与含义的区别? “概念”与“含义”有什么区别 the gas is They hear _______ to the truck,but the driver doesn't hear.空格里面填一个五个字母的单词,第三个字母是o I can hear a truck and bus对a truck and bus提问 根据意思写出带海的成语比喻各有本领( ) 形容力强势大( )比喻没有消息( ) 形容数量繁多( ) 根据提示写出带“海”的成语泛指全国各地() 比喻东西难寻() 形容很偏僻很遥远的地方()比喻危险之地() 比喻没有消息() 比喻力量强大()形容人数众多() 形容经历极久远 名词解释:商机,创业过程,新创业生命周期,创业机会,机会之窗,商业模式,商业模式的构成要素 本质和实质的意思,有什么区别? maintenance是什么意思 high-maintenance是什么意思 yard maintenance是什么意思 为什么亚硝酸根(NO2-)分子构型为v型?哪儿有两对孤对电子?如题 铵根空间构型