
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 21:28:11
刘邦的约法三章成效如何 1.- Sorry to give you so much trouble.- ___C______A.I think so.B.Oh,I'm sorry.C.It's OK.D.You are busy.2.- Hello,who is calling?- ______B___A.Mary is out.B.Hello,this is William from IBM.C.It's me.D.Can you guess?3.- I am planning to study abroad,and CH3CHO+CH3CH2OH=? 汉高祖约法三章是什么? 求这五道选择题的正确答案 35.- What is she?- ___A______A.She is a typist.B.She is talking to her friend.C.She is having a holiday.D.She is my sister.36.- Hello,may I speak to Mike?- _____A____A.You are wanted on the telephone.B Who are you?C.Just a second,please.D Can I take 以下5道选择题,回答正确吗?21.- Hi,is Thomas there?- __C _______A.Who are you?B.Sorry,I'll call him.C.Hold on.I'll get him.D.Yes,Thomas is me.22.- Thanks for inviting us to dinner.____D_____- Thank you!It's so good that you like them.A.Best 线路故障的一个原因是线路连接处接触不良.当线路连接处接触不良时,与连接完好相比该处的阻值将增大,在该处消耗的电功率将 (填“减小”,“增大”,“不变”),会产生局部过热,引发火 刘邦为什么与父老约法三章 把一个质量为5、4千克的金属球,浸没与盛满水的水槽中,溢出的水的体积为2x10的-3次方平方米(g取10N/kg)(1)金属球的密度已知答案是ρ=m/v=5.4kg/2×10^-3 m3 =2700kg/m3 我想问一下2×10^-3 m3 是水的体 汉高祖刘邦的约法三章是哪三点?请告诉我 像约法三章—刘邦这样的成语还有哪些?写多一些 英语翻译With increasing angle difference the rising edge is less steep and the time period of the section of rise is longer,while the time period of the full coverage is shorter.With increasing angle difference the rising edge is less steep and t 从"武侯弹琴退仲达"可以看出诸葛亮与司马懿各有怎样的性格特点请举出能反映以上诸葛亮性格特点的两个典型情节 孔明弹琴退司马懿后面是什么?要的啊 这是歇后语 诸葛亮和司马懿谁更强 谁有快节奏的英文歌曲?帮忙介绍几首快节奏的英文歌曲, 用八个动词写一段话 英语一级需要掌握哪几本英语课本 我想学些课本外的东西……我是说英语我目前不满足于课本上的知识,我觉得有些东西一提再提明明掌握了还要讲太浪费时间.我英语底子是有的,我现在想在课本的基础上学一些课外的(我更 朱晖不忘嘱托翻译 衣服沾到树浆怎么洗 树脂还有什么成分以及 本质是什么. 现在世界上最大原始森林在哪儿? 世界上有很多原始森林 他们位置与那里 最好谁能和我说说缅甸的野人山 在缅甸的位置 谢 例:约法三章 刘邦 再给我这样的几组 感情和亲情怎么解释 英语翻译Words to live byI will give you some advice about life.Eat more toughage.Do more than others expect you to do and do it at pains:Remember what life tells you ; Don't take to heart everything you hear ;Don't spend all that you have;Don't s 英语翻译我应该要把教室打扫干净吗?不必了.我可以在这里玩吗?不可以.你不需完成作业,刘老师很高兴,翻译好给5~大神们加油咯 My turn to cook supper tonight.今晚轮到我做晚饭.为什么用my? 英语翻译 英语翻译However mean your life is ,meet it and live it,do not shun it and call it hard names .Tt is not so bad as you are,it look poorest when you are richest.The fault-finder will find faults in paradise.Love your life,poor as it is.You may perh 英语翻译Today,developments are rapidly under way to take this phenomenon animportant step further,by embedding short-range mobile transceivers into awide array of additional gadgets and everyday items,enabling new forms ofcommunication between pe