
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 17:42:28
苦求4篇小作文:my room、my city、my village、my family,各100字 德语offen für 意思和例句 SPANK男主女被如何管教需要什么东西?SP的关系是固定的还是能发展男女关系的?在打与被打过程中能够体验到什么?打后该怎样?小弟才入行不懂的 同义句转换:you can have driving lessons at age 16 in the usa Signs can been seen on the road._____ can people see them?A.Where else place B.Where place else C.Where else D.Anywhere 此题选择c 其中的知识点请您讲解一下好吗?I visited the farm ( ) a lot of cows were kept.A.where B.which C.that You can have driving lessons _______in the USAA in age 16 B at 16 C when you 16 D age 16 Signs can been seen on the road._____ can people see them?这个句子对吗?can后面的been是不是该改为be? spank什么意思? that的意思 Alice,please think carefully before _______(jump)down the holeOk-i willAt first the young men ____Alice,please think carefully before _______(jump)down the holeOk-i willAt first the young men ________(not find) anything in the carDidn't you see that I am doubtful----he is still alivea.that b.whether c.what d.when如果光要答案的话我书后面就有。 To be alive is disgusting 活着就是恶心 是BE还是HE如题~《To be alive is disgusting》 (活着就是恶心) 是BE还是HE阿~希望知道得大大回答一下~速度~准确一点~因为网上有人说是BE也有人说是HE~到底是什 弹簧测力计在挂钩上有一个水平的力F1,外壳吊环上有一水平的力F2,并且F2大于F1,求弹簧测力计读数以及弹簧测力计受力大小请问读数为什么是F2?是因为F2大于F1吗? 谁有在线中文转英文翻译器 给个地址 英语翻译哪能下一个软件能把汉语翻译成英语的?要可以全篇翻译的,不是一个字一个字的翻译.还有哪能下英语基本语法.和教人读英语的.我的大虾速度. "Would you be __ do it for me ,please ""Of course ,with pleaure.'' A kind enough B as kind to C so kind as to D so kind to 弹簧测力计 一边受力与两边受力如图一 两边各受F=10N的力 伸长量L1 图二 仅左边受到F=10N的力 伸长量L2L1和L2哪个大? Were there any phone calls for me while I was out?翻译成汉语 急用 Were there any calls for me? Yes. Somebody()Jack phoned. A. call call C.calling D.called选哪个,要有理由,要正确的 25.There was a phone call for you while you were out and it was _____in English.A.called B.rung were there any lines that stuck out Would you do me a favor to carry the box upstairs是什么意思? Application.Exit()和this.dispose()的区别释放了资源不就等于退出程序了么? frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); 和 system.exit( )区别 i am belong to china 还是 i belong to china 哪个对? Ask him what he had said.这句话有语法错误吧? _____to water the vegetables every two days,will you?(not forget) 电视上老是有一个人唱歌,说是梦的家园的主题曲,我想学,谁有歌词和歌曲录音?第一句:好人最终会赢的第二句:坏人总会败的. "藕断丝连",藕丝是什么 “藕断丝连”与“藕断丝不断”的问题我这久一直在与父母争论两个词语的问题.是关于藕断丝连的.本人认为藕断丝连与藕断丝不断这两个词不是同一意思.本人认为,藕断丝不断的意思是:把 莲藕为什么会藕断丝连 Some factories is poring dirty air in the sky.这就话对么?