
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 12:28:50
when we are speaking love,its never too 请教一个英语句子的对错 When we are in love,we won't survive请教一个英语句子的对错When we are in love,we won't survive merely for ourselves.当我们被爱包围,我们就不再只为自己而活. 怎么在陌生地辨别东西南北方向?我经常晕地,搞不清东西南北方向,怎么能比较容易识别方向呢? 窝轮增压有什么好处 谁了解相关窝轮算式除当乘的具体信息啊? 这篇文章是谁写的?【误】Who was the article written?【正】___ The editor remarked that the article was well writtenwell 放到句尾可以吗?written是形容词还是动词? The article referred to was written by him该为定语从句是不是The article which was referred to was written by him 但仔细想了想which在从句中究竟充当什么成分呢 阅读理解(要准确)A Page From Li Ming's Diary 请问汽车窝轮增压只有在高速度时有作用吗?请指教,汽车窝轮增压是否只在高速度时才有用? The driver stopped driving _ (check)the bus. the bus stopped at the bus stop and _______(接) all the passengers.这句怎么填?the bus stopped at the bus stop and _______(接) all the passengers.这句怎么填? passengers__talk to the driver while the bus isn monti.A.do not B.ought not to C.need not D.shall not 这个题目怎么写,可以告诉我翻译和主要原因吗 the driver stopped his bus and it.A.got othe driver stopped his bus and it.A.got off B.got on C.gets off D.gets on 1.在梯形ABCD中,AB‖CD,AC平分∠且AC⊥BC,∠DAB=60度,梯形的周长为20cm,求AD的长.2.在梯形ABCD中,AD‖BC,E是CD的中点,ED⊥AB于点B,AB=6cm,EF=5cm,试求梯形的面积. 最后一题了,12. 第12题过程与答案,给好评,急! 英语翻译separating the right from the wrong是从错误中分离出正确的吗? 二次函数数学题.会的教我.就是根据二次函数的{一般式}来确定在坐标上的位置,以及如何移动位置.注意是一般式,不是顶点式噢.—————————————————————————— 财务杠杆系数计算的利息费用问题!本人在写会计的毕业论文,在计算财务杠杆系数时遇到了点问题,就是利息费用是直接用利润表中的财务费用还是用报表附注中的财务费用,要是用报表附注中 数学题;二次函数的,教教我!二次函数y=-3X2-6X+5与另一条抛物线y=X2-X-K只有一个公共点,求K的值?这里的2指平方! The word "Laugh" to "Smile" is what the word "Burn" to "Smolder"翻译这句话 英语翻译还有这句话表达的是什么 英语.第一大题和第三大题. 若函数f(x)的定义域是实数集且满足f(2x)=2^x,则f(x)=求大神帮助若函数f(x)的定义域是实数集且满足f(2x)=2^x,则f(x)= Thanks for your letter and the photos?Thanks for your letter and the photos为什么不写成Thanks for your letter and photos 这两句话有区别马? Thanks_____ your letter and the photos.A.of B.to C.for D.in What is the relationship between high inflation and employment? ACCEPTABLE QUALITY LEVEL翻译 已知函数f(x)是定义域【-2,5】上的减函数,则f(6-3x)的递区间是多少大神们帮帮忙 杜甫《孤雁》翻译 先化简再求值3x2y(-4xy2)+5xy(-6xy)2其中x=1y=-1/2