
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 07:08:39
the baby required _____(look)after By whom _ the baby_(look)after? 中国四川省成都市高新区天府三街69号新希望国际B座1618如何翻译成英文 His job is ( )(look)after the baby 那位朋友英文好的,麻烦帮我翻译一下, (元通文化传播 ) 翻译成英文 We haven’t been able to find out the ___ of the rumour.A. sourceB. causeC. originD. reason how many childeren haven't been found? 3A纸尺寸大小,不要厘米数 Miss White believes traveling is of great help in learning什么意思 为什么纸的大小用K来表示? 一张纸最多可以对折几次,就不能再折了?①:猜想 ②:(列表:纸张材料,纸张尺寸大小,结果等)③:结论 He always thinks of the others more than ________.A.him B.his C.himself D.she 初一英语:she always thinks of ( )more than herself.选项:A other B others C the other D the others 塑料铲子能不能炒菜 刚买了个尼龙铲子,在电磁炉上准备炒菜. 热锅的时候铲子化在锅上了!怎么办?后来我准备拿勺子炒, 可是热锅的时候锅上的尼龙开始冒泡. 这怎么办啊?那炒菜吃了尼龙会不会有毒啊!?怎么能去 Millennium Development United Nations Millennium Development 这是否是英国的一个什么计划, 我国国徽图案是怎样构成的 中国国徽图案体现了什么? we have some problems getting to your house.getting为什么加ing ( )1. We have some problems _______ there. A. to get B. is getting C. get to D. getting to ( )9. it is too easy he ------(think) They have some problems _________ there.A.to get B.in getting C.ge to D.getting to选什么 为什么? 中国的国徽是什么样子的 英文goal是什么意思 一道英语问题.target与goal都有"目标"的含义.有什么区别?比如初一英语书的目录里有"target languange",每个单元的开头部分有"language goals",二者有啥区别? goal posts是什么意思,英文简历中的 英语翻译看了曼联的欧冠比赛视频,贝尔巴多进第一个球,解说员说:fantastic goal good have live friend speak Australia make hour they sportDo you like___ ____?Yes,l do.I have many good friends at school.Lucy is one of ___.She is an __ girl.But now she____in China with her parents.We go to school together by bike.we are in Class O FOOLING SOME OF THE PEOPLE ALL OF THE TIME A LONG SHORT STORY怎么样 应该多久开始学雅思我现在在美联上课,不晓得是应该在美联继续读续费,还是到新东方去上雅思的课程,需要哥哥姐姐的帮忙,因为这东西我都不大了解,希望哥哥姐姐讲详细一些,讲得好的肯定 达到雅思5.5要学多久?怎么去学习比较好?平时英语成绩保持在A、B的水平.高中或者大学准备去英国读书,所以想达到雅思成绩5.5或6.0.偶尔口头说几句英语,但是写作的能力有点差,求指导. they found the lecture hard ____.They found the lecture hard ———— .A.to be understoodB.to understandC.being understood D.understood演讲被理解,应该从ACD中选啊,为什么选B,ACD哪错了?