
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 12:47:58
表达人间深情的词语 表达人间深情的词语4个 表达人间深情的诗句3句 英翻汉,不要机器的metaphorical journey in comforting variants and traditional forms such as…passing on,going to one's Maker [and] joining the majority" (45).Other less-dignified ways of referring to death include to resign one's being,moving 英翻汉,机器勿扰,谢谢很急,谢谢啦 翻译英翻汉——急,拒绝机械翻译!大老板发了一段话给我,看不太懂,拜托翻译一下下,谢谢!PLEASE keep maintaining the positive momentum YOU and your TEAM have initiated in our facility…………………..!We must encoura 甲乙两仓共有化肥140吨.甲仓的1/4和乙仓的1/5共32吨,甲乙各有多少吨?(用算术方法) 求2011一句话新闻,要长,无标点就是像单句那样,要30字左右求大神帮我找找,自己找一篇新闻归纳也行,不要标点的要2-3句.竟然没人回答.那就要100字左右的新闻吧,只要是单句就行. 《聊斋志异》中《蛇人》的译文 英语翻译文章中有“东郡某甲,以弄蛇为业.尝蓄训蛇二,皆青色,其大者呼之大青,小曰二青…” 英语翻译 一堆煤重2500Kg,每天用去125Kg,每天用去百分之几? What's ____ hobby?选择 A.second most common.B.the most second common.C.the second commonest.D.the second most common 你的爱好是什么?我喜欢集邮.What's your hobby?I lake collecting stamps.怎么读.如There【雷啊】 古代的太守、刺史、州牧、司马有什么区别吗?都分别是什么样的官职? It was raining heavily so i was glad to get (house) (home)请高手指教,最好写出区别在哪? We decide to go home because it was raining heavily.从句中找出一个错误项,并改正 一堆煤用去百分之二十剩下的比用去的多十二吨求这顿有多少吨 We would like go to by bike(请用这几个单词组成通顺的句子要标点 大写) 有30吨煤,前两个月用了百分之二十,这个月用了剩下的百分之十, 给没有标点的英语添标点,有些单词要写成大写的 英语翻译我最喜欢的歌手是许嵩.我觉得他唱歌有感情.我喜欢他唱的 玫瑰花的葬礼 断桥残雪 城府 等. 英语翻译这个是William Golding的一篇文章,我想要这片文章的中文翻译,刚才没说清楚,不好意思 用蚂和蚁组词用蚂和蚁能组几个词 When is to very she go busy people out dinners 连词成句 He had no sooner returned than he bought a house and went to live there这句话什么意思no sooner than又表示什么? He had no sooner returned than he bought a house and went to live there这个bought前面加个had可以吗 he had no sooner returned than he bought a house and went to live there.里的live为什么不加ingwent是动词后面再有动词不是要加ing吗? 请把'He had no sooner returned than he bought a house.'改为含有'hardly……when'的句子, The cat ( ) in the ( ).It is ( ) of the box. 填入适当的英语单词 1.—-is the cat?It's in the box. The cat --------in the --------.It’s in --------of the box. [英语阿英语]讲一讲few ,a few,little,a little后分别加什么词