
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 15:20:04
想一个节约用水的提示语 有没有大神?温馨提示别浪费水 企鹅英语《绑架》《逃命》中文复述英文也可以 但别拿网上百度里的糊弄我 我都看了 根本不是.中文的别太多 我们是要写英文梗概的,100词左右到时候最佳答案追加啊 在洗碗洗菜时怎么注意节约用水 洗完菜的水能否洗碗?我想节约用水,不要复制粘贴为什么?请大家说明 I can[ make the bed ]对括号里的提问 I can make the bed改成否定句 Yes,he can jump high.的问句. 求"讲公德、守法纪,文明安全每一天"征文,1200字不要复制...3小时内回复加100悬赏... 根据意思写出带有“然”字的词语 心里平静曰( )然 心里平静用( )然 用词 辨然组词然神情发呆用()然心里平静用()然十分恭敬用()然十分孤独用()然求求了, if the only sport you do is dancing your fingers across your keyboard,you could be in seriousdanger of more than just becoming fat You are my all,and I is not your only怎么读 You are my all,and I is not your your the only one the call my name 歌词中有you are my only one,还有 I can give your a reason,还有一句Here I can,是个男歌手唱的,带有重金属的风格,求歌曲名 If you go to Xi’ an,you will find the palaces there more magnificent than commonly ( )1.supposing 2.supposed 3.to suppose 4.suppose选哪个?为什么 并且翻译一下句子 If you go to Mount Tai,you will find it more magnificent than commonly ____A.supposing B.supposed C.tosuppose D.suppose 为什么是B If you go to Beijing,you’ll find the places there are more magnificent than commonlyA:supposing B:supposed C:to supposed D:supposed I,to,my,bed,and,clothes,my,on,weekend,make,have,wash(.)特急! He has to wash dishes and clothes on Sundays.(对wash dishes and clothes提问) Go the forest and at the foot of the mountain you will find it .A.through,at B.across,at C.through,under D.past,under 六年级语文上学期第22课的续写(自己是小松鼠) listen to the music 加不加the 有加的,有看到不加的.清楚的给我说说. listen to后面加名词时,什么时候在名词前加the什么时候不加?比如listen to the music还是listen to musi 假期里,你读过那些感人的书,或者看了哪些感人的电视节目?请选择你读过的一本书或看过的一部电视节目写一篇读后感或观后感. 寒假作业里有需要写一篇关于食品卫生的作文,有什么好素材和主题? 乱写.怎么写一篇向老师承认错误的作文 和你一起,做任何事都是快乐的 用英文怎么说简练些.. 改错:The more you learn,the more easy you can get a job. 寒假作业作文写什么好? ”十年修的王小贱,百年修的柯景腾,千年修的李大仁,万年修的陆励成” 这是什么意思?