
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 13:57:53
我的态度 求作文文章以 “细节”为主 字数800左右 急 急 急 为什么两直线平行内错角相等?也就是‘两直线平行内错角相等’是怎样证明出的? 世界上最大的湖泊是 招标投标法是属于哪个法律部门 第五题选什么 帮忙填几个英语空格用 near ,next to ,opposite,in front of,along填空1.There are many new houses and shops_____ the street.2.There is a pool _____ the house.3.The shop is_____ the station.4.The house stands _____ the hospital.5.Mr Wang lives 下列各项中,( ) 不属于法律范畴 A.《 学位条例》 } .《 教师资格条例》 C .《 教师法》 U .《 高等教 思想品德单元测试17到21答案有吗 教一下啦要上课了来不急了 这一题怎么写? 29题,过程 英语 过去持续到现在也一直在持续的,这是什么时态, 2x/x 分式还是整式如说是整式 则 化简后得X如说是分式 则 分母含有X到底是整式还是分式? 用if连接句子we'll go to the Great Wall.It's fine tomorrow.2.we won'tgo to the seaside.It rains tomorrow.3.I'll come here on Sunday.I am free.4.we'll travel round the world.we win a lot of money.5.we'll miss the train.You 类比8/3=2+2/3,试将分式(6x-1)/(2x-1)化为一个整式与一个真分式的和的形式是? 2x/3x是分式还是整式? 用If...连接下列句子There was an earthquake in China in 1976.Thousands of houses collapsed.The girl fell through a hole in the ice.She died.More copies of the book were not printed.Many people couldn't buy it.Tje tower was torn down a few years 求第29题的答案和过程 初三英语几道选择有疑求解The reporters asked the man ------ questions,but he said------ words.A.many;few B.a lot of ;a few 这道题考few和 a few的用法,我凭感觉选的A,是正确的.不过我觉得英语出这种题太牵 1:除数是6,商是y,余数是5,被除数是()?2:有三个连续自然数,最大的是a,这三个连续自然数1:除数是6,商是y,余数是5,被除数是()?2:有三个连续自然数,最大的是a,这三个连续自然数的和是 连接两个句子超简单1.I can speak Chinese.I can speak English.(not only...but also)2.He is at home.He is at work.(either...or)3.I have not money to lend you.He has not money to lend you.(Neither...nor) 三个连续自然数中,中间一个数是三个数和的()A.1/2. B.1/3.C.1/4 D.1/5 这两个句子怎么连接起来停电时三人的情况如下Mr Zhang----watch a basket ball match,listen to the radio laterSally-------play the piano,stop to have a restMrs Wang-----in the lift,can't go outWhen the light went go out,Mr Zhang was w 两个完整句子间怎么连接Just as fish cannot live without water,I cannot live without Mahjong.这句话是逗号连接两个完整的句子啊?是怎么回事呢? 把这两个句子连起来…He is extremely luckly manhe survived two plane crashes and two wars 求初三英语短文改错题.越多越好. 29题, 从1/3,x,2x-1中任意选取两个不同的整式相除,共能组成几个不同的分式?请分别写出 【急得不行!】【初二英语】【短文改错】短文改错.B.短文改错.Last year I go to Australia to study and travel.I was 61._________ there for 16 days.I stayed in Sydney for two week.62._________ I went to places of interest in the m x^2+2x 分之 x+1 化成整式加真分式 初三英语短文改错,谢谢一定采纳. 一战给人类带来了什么影响 用if把下面句子连接起来I will go to the park tomorrow I have timeWe will help the animals They are in dangerThey stay in the desery They will see the camels