
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 03:09:55
would you mind to do sth和 would you mind doing sth为什么前一种表达错误?为什么别人说前一种用法是错误的?既然mind既是及物动词又是不及物动词那为什么不能用前一种啊? 如果你们是因为我才变成这样,那我愿意回到原点用英语怎么说 would you mind to do sth和 would you mind doing sth的区别最好能有例子谢谢 would mind to do sth?可以等于would you mind doing sth么?我的练习册上让我把would mind my sittinghere 替换同义句:would mind ()()()here?要怎么填啊?求理由讲解! 常用的灭弧法有哪些? More than love 是谁唱的? 常见的灭弧方法是什么 "Good morning "I said ,but he didn't return the g_____ 谁帮我把这句话翻译成英文 “伤害过不可能再回到原点 ” good morning said a woman as she walked up to the man sitting on the 53.Years ago the woman walked into the place she caught sight of to ____A.find a job thereB.get herself out of coldC.get something to eat D.meet with the man would you mind doing sth.的所有肯定回答有哪些?I would mind行吗I would或I mind呢?请问为什么呢 如何回答would you mind doing sth? would you mind me doing sth该怎么回答would you mind me doing sth和would you mind doing sth回答有什么区别吗 灭弧方法有哪些 电气设备中常用的灭弧方法有哪些 He said she didn't come,__?反意疑问句应该怎么说?是didn't he还是did she? 英语翻译我知道翻译成the person who help people recycle their waste可以,但太长了演讲不方便,有用一两个单词表达的吗?不要有道、金山之类的翻译,想要地道点的 可回收垃圾的英文和不可回收垃圾的英文 将4名教师分派到3所中学任教,每所中学至少1名教师,则不同的分派方案共有多少种?此题能否用 隔板法?直接C32?可是答案错误 帮忙取个英文名最好开头有F.有回答就可能给分帮忙取个英文名最好开头有F.然后要有意义.好的追加分数 26个字母中,那些是元音字母? 东莞和盛废旧物资回收公司英文怎么读? stay here forever是什么意思 I go through my a___ book to find Mr Locke's cell phone number Stay Here Forever My cell phone is running out of credit 与 My cell phone ran out of credit 有什么不同吗 《stay here forever》的歌词要完整的、谢谢 单词填空:I must find the o____ of the cell phone.He must be worried. stay here forever 的歌曲链接 f开头的女英文名或者带“琦”音的 will you please句式的问题will you please 是属于建议句吗怎么回答呢,肯定或否定怎么回答?用will还是can啊,好像用can,为什么不用will呢请列举例句说明, 求一个F开头的英文名.求一个F开头的英文名我是男的,中文名叫封帆,处女座.要是英文名里有两个F就更好了.