
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 12:11:48
有关分析化学误差计算题,有那位高手知道如何计算?14.滴定分析法比较准确,在一般情况下,测定的相对误差为( B )%左右.A.0.1 B.0.2 C.0.3 D.0.4 15.如果要求分析结果达到0.1%的准确度,滴定时所用 请问3个等号的方程怎么解例子 5-3X+7=5+4+3Y=7-X+3Y 与黄河有关的人物从古至今的! 跟黄河有关的人物(只要名字,不要故事) 有关黄河的人物,写几个? 具有“黄河精神”的人是谁?评论以及人物 love warmth the heart 怎么翻译 英语翻译I must put you in the heart that quoin,only then cannot think you towant crying帮我翻译~这上面有多少帮我翻译多少,马上立刻给我答案, "what is to become of me?" "what should i do?"各用在什麽场合呢? 改变我们人生的道路英语怎么说 关于婚礼文章的中翻英··谢谢.中式婚礼是一种中华传统的方式进行 以大红色为主 主要表现与庄重 安详 规矩等中华传统习俗西式婚礼主要表现与宗教信仰 上帝的恩赐(在中国就是月老吧) when连接的时间状语从句的主句或是从句是否可用现在完成时 两个英语脑筋急转弯1、What question is that to which you must always answer"yes"?2、Who is closer to you,your mom or your dad? (两道英语脑筋急转弯)1.It has four legs in the morning,and two legs at noon,and three legs in the evening.What is it?2.I have a face,but i have no feet.I can walk,but i can not talk.I have hands,but i can not move things.What am 英译汉 You know id like us to chat...You know id like us to chat.i think of finding a collabo with a chinese we start a business of importing goods and vehicles in it possible the elephants from Africa is pretty ,but very friendly to people对吗还用加be动词吗如果加在哪里the elephant from Africa is pretty ,but very friendly to people You've never heard of him,____ _____?(完成反义疑问句) to americans ,a friendly,informal relationship is the most important thing 中文怎么说 i knew you were trouble的中文歌词 仙后常说的“always keep the failth”含义是什么? we shouldn't keep out noses always to the grindstone.求翻译 She also needs to stir it _____ _____ that the rice doesn't burn 怎么填空?与这句话She also needs to stir it so that the rice doesn't burn 的意思相同,填空 改写同义句:She needs to look for clues.She __ ___ look for clues. She needs to collect()Asome informations Bsome pieces of information Csome piece of information Dsome information She didn't mind working and she didn't care about the honours that were given in her later years .麻烦翻译这句话. 重生用英语怎么说 When l grow up,l'm goingto do what lwant to do l'm going to move somewhere interesting.怎么翻译 不要方程的数奥把一个底面直径为40厘米的金属圆锥体投入底面直径为80厘米的圆柱形玻璃杯内,这时杯中的水面比原来升高3厘米.求金属高. 红颜薄命不如天妒英才 红颜薄命.红颜祸水. 数奥题谁会?列方程轮船上所带燃料最多可用9小时,顺水时轮船每小时行15千米,逆水时轮船每小时行12千米,轮船最多行多少千米就要往回开? 到底如何定义“红颜薄命”?