
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 14:29:48
many readers from all over the world可以换成many readers from around the world吗?这是一个句子中的短语,希望朋友们帮忙说说all over the world和around the world这两个短语在用法上的区别 I play the game even though Igo up in flames And I’m burning down tonight…是哪首歌的歌词 I feel happy to be one of Luminous flux 和Luminous efficiency 有人能翻译吗?请告诉我这俩个单词的区别 这些字数够500字以上吗?作文写33行够吗一行27字 带有履和涉的成语有哪些?必须两个字都有 The truth decide www.ksij.cn worth the pain! The truth decide www.ksij.cn worth the pain! The truth Please ______ your discussion while I am out of the room.A continue B continue with C go on with D all of the above请问为何要选D? You not longer are you语法是否有错误?正确的 你已经不在是你 怎么说? 出口企业的订单减少,使一些企业难于生存,有的倒闭,有的搬迁,这些句子怎样翻译成英语. 含履字的成语, 描写吃饭 名句 如:人如铁,饭如钢,一顿不吃饿的荒! 人是铁饭是钢,多吃饭变合金,没有什么伤我心,这句话对吗 既然说人是铁,饭是钢.那反过来说不就是人吃饭就等于是铁吃钢嘛.铁怎么能吃钢呢?3Q 比如:是Miss.Chen还是Miss Chen呢? miss后加动物名行吗 miss后面加什么形式 i 后面加miss还是missing? On being observed,it immediately ran away.这个句子不是很明白尤其是 on being observed 这个地方不明白为什么这么用. 百度百科是商业团队运作的,像这样的团队能把百科做好吗? 维基百科用户回答!还有您对百度和维基的认识! 关于about句型..(急)如:worry about sb.越多越好,但是要初一学过的~到时候我会追加分的! Please give me an (e );I am not clear about the problem.I'm ( s ) you will do better in your lesson this term. 高一动词填空 英语动词填空(高一)1.Our grandfather said he——(send)a lot of emails the next day.2.Recently a survey——(make) to find the reasons why so many teenagers have developed the habit of smoking.3.How are you feeling today?I—— 英语翻译David & Wylie:您们好!随着我公司的不断发展,我个人的能力也在不断的提升和进步.这段共同成长的岁月里,我对公司产生了深厚的感情,喜欢公司的工作氛围,喜欢公司的每一个伙伴们. 出柜是什么意思 出柜的意思是什么? SECRETS OF THE TEMPLE怎么样 请问,出柜是什么意思? if you are not socialist when you are young, you have no heart...If you are not socialist when you are young, you have no heart,if you are not capitalist when you are old, you have no brain.