
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 06:27:27
请帮我翻译:As a result of the company shareholder's change, By the time the course ends,____ a lot about the British way of life.a、we have learnedb、we’ll learnc、we are learningd、we’ll have learned circuit switched network是什么意思 electrical short-circuit是什么意思 electrical store英语翻译 英语翻译network_smoothing_factor_0英文翻译过来是什么? Shanghai is _ than _ _ in China,isn't it?A.smaller;other city B.bigger'any other city C.smaller;any other cities D.bigger;other cities 她80多斤,我118,出去散步,她非要背我,坳不过她就给她背了,我不忍心可她就是坚持,我在她背上很是别扭可是她觉得很开心,我真的弄不明白了, 波斯湾地区是有主要产品有哪些? 成语买椟还珠怎么解释,寓意是什么? ( )天空,( )夜空,( )旗帜( )天空,( )夜空,( )旗帜 例:抛向天空 ( )夜空这是一道语文填空题,好像让填动词, 夜空中流星划过天空,可以看成是_的实例 节日的夜空,璀璨夺目,一枚枚烟火升上天空犹如 --------------,又似--------------------------<<和田的维吾尔>> it's high time that the fighting The whole journey ___ a full week by the time it ends in France.A.will have lasted B.would lastC.has lastedD.must have lasted为什么选A,D错哪了? The design liaison meeting_____ten days by the time it ends.A.must have lasted B.will have lastedC.would last D.has lasted请问大家又先什么.意思是什么有什么语法! 大家帮我写一篇英语对话!是七年级下册人教版的三单元 Why do you like koalas?根据你喜欢什么动物?为什么?因为它长得可爱.你呢.咱们一起去动物园看.把! 一起去动物园看.这个是重点,必写!求求 现代汉语拼音方案的优点是什么 refer to 可以有反映的意思吗例如 他主演了许多反映青少年成长的影片 He starred in many films referring to the growth of the teenagers.这样可以吗 请分析波斯湾周围地区成为世界热点的主要原因 give me power 你指的是?这个指可不可以用REFER TO refer to词组的全部中文意思详细的中文意思和用法 capital求翻译 mutual funds和index funds 有什么区别 who can give me complete definition of 'positive attitude'xiexie dajia le bag is under the table我的包是在桌子底下对吗?桌子下 1.Are they your _____?2.____ they your brothes?3.______is the bag?-------it`s on the table.4.His baseball is _______ the floor.5.There is a blackboard ________ the wall.6.His English book ________ in the bookcase.7.Please take the book __________ the Make me smile who 一般有过婚史并阅人无数的女人面对性和感情,更依赖于哪样?作个比方.她和甲有过较长时间感情,但各种原因没上床;与乙认识不久,是男女朋友,但不常见面.这个女人更爱谁.会依赖甲还是乙? Rather than 的具体用法