
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 18:48:16
家里挂百叶窗还是窗帘好?他们各有什么优劣呢? The boys can ride bicycles.用what提问 What a ride!我现在就要,越快越好 what a ride 1.Oh boy!2.cop 3.What's eating you?4.My hands are tied.5.shake a leg不是按字意翻译的,有点像脑筋急转弯~ 英语翻译 What books do you like to reading about?这的句子成立吗?如题,希望高手回答,尽快解决.SORRY,打错了,是What do you like reading books about? what are you reading about book? what are you reading?i reading about hiking.错在那里 英语翻译我已等待了上千年我的公主您何时才会出现月亮女神赐予您与她相同的名字人鱼王子赐予您最美好的祝福苏醒于七月末的生命 为她所爱的人轮回三世 Barbara:What are you _______?Jack:I’m reading about the pyramids.We’re _____ about them atBarbara:What are you _______?Jack:I’m reading about the pyramids.We’re _____ about them at school.Barbara:___ you know anything aboutthem?this book does 用英语介绍我的房间快..我的房间很大,很漂亮...要有中文哦.有床,窗户,电脑.桌子书架.可以把什么东西在什么上面.例..The baseball is under the tabie What place we are reading about?的意思 请几天假的英文 用英语介绍我的房间很急的满意的加50分.超级满意的加100分 翻译英语"你们圣诞节放几天假" 用英语介绍房间 你要请多久的假?英文 怎样用英语介绍我的房间急用 你这几天是要请什么假?用英文怎么说? 1.(How) (an interesting) (the) story (is)!2.(Look at) (that) blue bird!(What beautiful)!3.(What) (an) expensive shose (these) (are)!4.(How) (a) good teacher (she) (is)!5.(How) (love) (the) girl (is)!6.(How) (fast) Tom (runs) (is)!7.(What) (a) bad (we Look!( )beautiful that lake is!A.what B.how C.how a D.what a look at this picture.( )A,how a beautiful picture B,how beautiful picture C,what a beautiful picture D,what beautiful picture — Look!What's that in the s_____?— It's a kite in the shape of a bird.(按首字母填空) Look at that bird!——Oh,( )Look at that bird!——Oh,( ) beautiful bird!A.what B.what a C.how 选哪个! 那又怎样用英语怎么讲就是满拽的说法 怎么用英语介绍教室?帮忙翻译一下啦!我的教室是一个十分漂亮的教室.有七排桌椅.有六十四张桌椅.有一块大大的黑板. 用英语介绍教室,10句话以上,急不要语法错误 怎样用英语介绍他人?5句话要5句话!要用英文! I want to buy some ______ (write) people writea letter to sb=write to sb, write a letter to sb.可以吗