
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 01:39:51
(填空)和应用题1.今年小麦产量比去年增加百分之10,今年小麦产量相当于去年的( )百分之几2.某产品原来每件售价200元,价格上涨百分之20后在下降百分之20,现在每件售价( )元3.一桶农药,第一 当a,b满足什么条件时,分式ab-a^2/ab-b^2的值为正 已知33的x次方=2013,61的y次方=2013,求证:1/x+1/y=1 bid farewell中bid是什么意思 为什么不直接说farewell 谢谢 设函数y=f(x)是定义在正实数集上的减函数,并且满足f(xy)=f(x)+f(y)f(2)=3,f(3)=2,求f(6)的值.如果f(x)+f(x-5)<5,求x的取值范围 已知函数f(x)=1/(1-x)^n+aln(x-1) ,其中n∈N*,a为常数(Ⅰ)当n=2时,求函数f(x)的极值;Ⅱ)当a=1时,证明;对任意的正整数n,.当x>=2时,有f(x) 已知函数f(x)=a^x+b(a>0,且a≠1)的图像经过点(0,2),其反函数的图像经过点(3,0).⑴求f(x)的解析式 已知函数f(x)=a^x+b的图像过点(1.3)又其反函数的图像过眯(2.0),则函数f(x)的解析式 已知函数y=f-1(x)的图像过(1,0),则y=f(1/2x-1)的反函数的图象一定过点A.(1,2)B.(2,1)C.(0,2)D.(2,0)我认为应该选B呀,可答案是A,为什么呢? (-2xy^2)^3+8(-x)^3*(-y^2)*(-y^2)^2原式=(-2)^3*x^3*(y^2)^3+8(-x)^3*y^4==然后怎么写 (-a³b的6次方)²-(-a²b的4次方)³ 3/5=15分之几=几分之15=几(填小数) 将一个正方体截去一个角,则其面数( ) a增加b不变c减少d上述三种情况均有可能 将一个正方体截去一个角,则其面数( ) A.增加 B.不变 C.减少 D.上述三种情况均有可能 如果两个数中,较小数是较大数的因数,那么这两个数的最大公因数是什么 Your message has been sent! Your message has been received.Thank you for your mail.You receive this email because the recipient翻译下 切一个正方体的一个角,面数增加还是减少 清明节的来历和习俗有哪些? Farewell To Love 歌词 清明节的由来和习俗 The book shop () for eight years.A.has been open B..has been opened C.has opened D.has open()里面应该填什么? 某小学男女生之比是16:13,又转来几名女生,男女生之比是6:5,这是全校有880人,求转来女生多少人?( ) the dress looks very fashionable,but----------actual sales,it hasn't been very successful.A.according to B.in terms of 选哪个,原因? His new book consisting of useful data has been well receive.请问下中文怎么译啊?The coach told him to bathe his eyes twice a day.本句中的"TOLD"是属于过去式还是属于过去分词啊? A book,as well as a pen and a magazine,______(have、has)been left in the reading-room. 英语翻译这句话中的Yours been在这里怎么翻译, 两个数的最大公因数是12,最小公倍数是72,而且大数比小数大12.这两个数分别是多少咋算的 The article says we have to bid farewell to the holiday and resume our workbid在这里是什么意思呢? so so nothing comes from nothing 是啥意思 love has been over,so life is nothing nothing nothing...I don't believe it...翻译一段 ._money has been received by_people who suffered from the floods.A A lot of; a good many of B A great deal of ;a great many C,A good many;a large number of D,A great deal of;lot of 为什么选B?