
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 20:43:36
This volunteer work _______ us seven hours last week.A.spendsB.spentC.takesD.took The cat was in the room just now.they went to the zoo last sunday 把这两个句子改为否定句和一般疑问句并作肯否回答 最近很火的一首英文歌 里面有 ou ou ou 有首英文歌有一句子 the r a s p go ou ou一个女的唱的,GO O O 放了很多遍,唱完一句结尾就GO O O 很多句都结尾都是那个GO O O 开头节奏好像是等 等等 等的,等 等等 等的, 有Baby baby baby ou~的英文歌曲 that,woman,who's,in,pink这些词可以连成什么句子 Hector is kind_____ tired,so he needs to have a rest.用适当的介词填空. 用适当的介词填空:My sister is interested ___ music.Sally tired to give___ smoking.Please finish it ___ once.I receive a letter ___ my sister. 求个由三个英文字母组成的组合,大小写随意,好看就行我自己想的有Vin Emp mAn Spi Ice Ven Han Sir Pto 请确认你们的好看再来 同时在我自己想的帮我选一个你们认为不错的 请问音域由哪些字母组成,大小写有什么不同我音调最高到g1,g1有多高阿?我才十八岁,怎么能提高音域阿, C、Z、W、L、F、H、这几个字母能组成什么英文?大小写随意!czwlfh这几个字母不能结合出有意义的词汇?顺序无所谓、 连词成句:rirphant has a nose long the china has been successful in____investment of about $60 billion China has a p of about 1.3 billion Establishing new investment-banking footholds in China has been a slog for J.P.Morgan and Morgan Stanley. They are( )(填make)the room 求一首女声英文歌,比较温柔,歌中间还有 8次 wu~wu~wu声 wu~wu~wu声拖得比较长 不是safe and sound china has about( )typhoons every year带翻译 上面竹子头下面是旦字, 根据首字母填空 China has an a_____ of about 9600000根据首字母填空China has an a_____ of about 9600000 square kiolometres. they had to(climb into the room through the window)(对括号部分提问)_____ _____ ______ ______ ______ ______? I hope that you con come here quickly miss my teacher came in and said he had ___ to tell the classA.anything important B.important every thingC.something important D.important something she began to lie 歌词 He came to the front of the classroom and said:‘’Quiet,_.I am the new teacher.Class is over now.Let's have a break‘’Aanyone Bsomeone Ceveryone Dno one在横线上填上合适的单词(请解释一下,谢谢!) 清明节扫墓的感想 急用!要把感想写出来、把过程写出来 注:是写去拜祭自己的亲人的(是二舅)、 句子不用太优美 六百字以上 是与家人一起去的 急用 请在六点半之前搞定~ 涪字怎么读,快! 涪字怎么读 涪,是什么字 The dog is lie down The dog lie down 那个正确?be 动词后面不是应该用动词ing形式吗?可是我读起来觉得第二句正确. You need to take out two more_______(toothbrush).说出为什么,并翻译出来 He hitchhiked to Dover and,towards evening went into a boat to find somewhere to sleep.句子成分