
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 02:03:53
已知有理数a在数轴上对应的点为A,将点A向左移4个单位长度后,再向右移1个单位长度得到点B,点B对应的数是-2.5,问有理数a是多少? 1.We are living a ___ life.A.still B.quiet C.calm D.silent2.No one ______of it.A.dared to speaking B.dared speak C.can dared speak D.dare speaking3.--Have you moved into the new house?--Not yet.The rooms _____.A.are painting B.are being painted C.are 一个有理数在数轴上对应的点为a,将a点向左移3个单位长度,再向左移动2个单位长度,得到点b,点b所对应的数和点A对应的数的绝对值相等,求点a的对应的数是什么? 1.some songs were full___anger as their writers were angry__societyA.with at B.of about C.with to D.of with2.my father__smoke heavily,but now he doesn't smoke any moreA.use to B.was used to C.used to D.was used3.there___any metting tomorrowA.is going 1.英译汉1)He excels(优于,胜过) with his mixture of kungfu(功夫) and hip-pop in a creative way.2)However,this young man with super dancing skills is taken advantage of by an interest(利益) group for profits(利益,收获).( 1/I bought a book with the _____(remain)money.2/Amber melt easily when _____(heat).3/there is a _____(light)candle in his house.4/tom got into the house_____(secret).5/your problems are under _____(consider).6/I think____(light)of those who work hard please show your new bike to me改为同义句 开始放弃绥靖政策,号召英国人民“将战斗进行到底……”的英国首相是 描写动物神态的段落 英语翻译Rise in consumer goods sales has the effect of speeding up the economy. “不是不可以,只是什么不会变.”这句话的英语, 英语翻译without seemly unworldly,Willam appeared wholly removed from the commonplace of society,the conventionality of academe.为何两个分句含义对立,是因为without跟although 一样有转折效果吗 一句英语不会alothough simpson was ingenious at _____to appear innovative and spontaneous,beneath the ruse he remained uninspired and rigid in his approach to problem-solving.答案是contriving 为何不能是intending 动物受伤害的事例简单点 英语翻译我的词汇量和语法都还不错,可一遇到做英语阅读理解时,就怎么都翻译不快,导致我丢了许多分. 英语句子读太快怎么记得住录音机里读英语句子,真是太快了。有没有办法完全理解内容怎么读。 英语翻译 英语翻译 英语翻译竞标的价格从30涨到45,又长到了60,最终长到了70.就是用英文怎么说明这几次的上涨? 关于导数难题 绥靖政策的表现有哪些?具体些 用吸光度法测酶活时,为什么吸光度值有时会降低?我在作实验的过程中要用到吸光度法测酶活.我们运用的是酶与其底物的特征反应,本来在整个过程中吸光度值应该是一直增加的,但是为什么 用吸光度法测酶活时,为什么吸光度值有时会降低?我在作实验的过程中要用到吸光度法测酶活.我们运用的是酶与其底物的特征反应,本来在整个过程中吸光度值应该是一直增加的,但是为什么 测SOD 酶时为什么我的对照管吸光度值比测定值小 我想知道小学开哪些课程 我想知道小学作文该怎样入手? 小红爸爸开车从甲地去乙地,2小时行了150千米,正好行了全程的4分之3.从甲地到乙地有多少千米?骑车从甲地 He__go to the libraryto read some books,when he was in Beijing university. Acould Bwould C used to详细说明 有关二阶导数的数学问题已知y=(1-x)/(1+x) 求该函数的二阶导数?我想问:(-1)^n· ·(1+x)^(-n-1) + (-1)^n·(n-1)!·(1+x)^(-n)这个答案是否正确?如果不正确,请另给正确答案, 1,已知函数y=xlnx(1)求这个函数的导数(2)求这个函数在点x=1处的切线方程2,求曲线y=(sinx)÷x在点M(∏,0)处的切线的方程 数学导数问题 提升二 数学导数题,第二第五题