
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 04:13:34
讲卫生的顺口溜或童谣 求一篇主题为:How to improve our English的英语作文.内容要包括:1.尽量多练习说英语.2.努力用英语来思考.3.多读英语文章.4.学习和了解更多关于语言背后的文化知识. It's important to practise more whilen ______(learn) a foreign language.怎么填?为什么?while _____ (learn)上面打错了,不好意思。 做家务的英语是什么? You are feeling tired easily if there in accordance with the terms and subject to the conditions of this agreement in accordance with和according to有什么区别?能任意互换嘛? in complaince with 和 according to 的区别根据**标准或按**标准开展工作,应用以上两词的哪个.两词有什么区别. ______ the weather report,it will rain tomorrow.A.According to B.According with C.In according D 英语翻译crab fire 英语翻译With the flame of the fireJust,just,just wipe your tears,He is not worth your eyesForget him nowNow,now,now smileCan you see how the dawn sings?It means we don’t live in vain.Warm me with the flame of the fire.If you’ve stopped loving Do you wake up every morning feeling sick?为什么feel要用feeling呢? 一首女生唱的DJ歌曲 开头是wake up in the morning 跪求啊 ! 下雨天雨伞/雨衣/雨靴您会选择哪一种作为雨具呢?我只选择雨伞.你们呢? 三国时期的人们的雨天雨具是什么?有伞吗?斗笠?雨衣呢? 雨天遇到这些撑雨伞和穿雨衣的行人在路边行走怎样通行? in the light of in the light 英语翻译我想把《南通蓝蝴蝶家具设计制造有限公司》翻译成英文的公司名 they made the whole morning spare对吗 I spent the whole morning correcting exam papers.correct为什么要用ing形式 英语翻译如题 我花了整个上午照顾他 用英语怎么说I spent the whole morning _____ after him we often exchange our ______(greet)when we see each other in the morning. we often exchange our ( greet)when we sewe often exchange our ( greet)when we see each other in the morning 空的是要填的,括号里是提供的单词,填它的适当形式 求解析莎士比亚的十四行诗的意思分析!那些时辰曾经用轻盈的细工 织就这众目共注的可爱明眸,终有天对它摆出魔王的面孔,把绝代佳丽剁成龙锺的老丑:因为不舍昼夜的时光把盛夏 带到狰 中教联盟网学英语感到特别吃力,背书总是背了这段忘了那段,这到底是怎么一回事? 学英语背什么好 复数用has还是have比如 zhang pen and amy( ) English class on Monday 英语很难学啊,我想背英语,可拿起书不知道该背什么?谁能告诉我该怎样学英语! When Jack gets in the taxi,what would the driver say to him?怎么样回答?A.How nice to see you,sir!B.Where to,sir?C.May I know where you are planning to go,sir?D.How are you,sir? What would you say when the following happens?1.Someone is climbing a tree.2.You are in danger.3.There's a lot of traffic and a little boy runs to the street to get his ball back.4.You're afraid of mice,and you see one in the corner of the kitchen.5. 第一二人称复数用have还是has?