
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 18:07:44
应用题:1:加工一批零件,甲乙合作24天可以完成,现在由甲单独先做16天,然后乙再做12天,正好昨晚这批零件数的3/5,问乙单独完成要用多少天?2:空的长方体容器甲的水深24cm的长方体容器乙.将 求高一英语必修4 Unit3 words and expressions录音.人教版的.第一个单词是humorous 以个性为话题的作文除诗歌外,文体不限,800字左右.急,要初中水平的,谢谢各位快一点. Groove coverage 为什么被翻译为舞动精灵? 以“个性与角色”为话题的作文 陈涉世家和项羽本纪我想知道着两篇文言文的意思, 英语翻译DIY is very popular in China now.Do you know what it is?Yang Chen works for a computer business in Beijing.Though he enjoys his work,it is hard for him for relax after work.“For a long time,I had no choice except going to a bar for a dr 英语多翻译多读句子和文章有什么好处吗? 英语翻译The fact was,however,that she was always dreaming and thinking odd things and could not herself remember any time when she had not been thinking things about grown-up people and the world they belonged to. --Could you tell me when____?--At 10:25,in ten minutes.--Could you tell me when____?--At 10:25,in ten minutes.A.the bus has left B.the bus had left C.will the bus leave D.the bus will leave Could you tell me when___?——At half past ten.In a few minutes.A will the train arrive B:the train has arrived C:the train will arrive D:the train arrives 选哪个呢?感觉好像C D都对一样.注 :when 有主将从现 所以才疑惑 Could you tell me when _____?At 10:50,in ten minutes.A the bus will leave B will the bus leaveC the bus has left D had the bus left i can't to be your friend女的唱的慢歌 关于 泼水节作文 I have been offered a large_________of money.(a)amount(b)number (c)some (d)piece 有关泼水节的作文! these are food like the food of many years ago Having lived in France for many years,they still enjoyed the foods__in their homelandA.which were used to havingB.they were used to havingC.which used to haveD.they were used to have为什么选B不选A? 帮忙赏析七年级下课文在沙漠中心中的随笔5个句子在 60-90字之间吧.谢 在vb中编辑程序,输入一个整数,判断是0,正整数,还是负整数Dim a As Stringa = Val(Text1.Text)If a < 0 Thenb = "负整数"ElseIf a > 0 Thenb = "正整数"Elseb = "0"End IfText2.Text = b我这样有什么问题吗? —Have some new ideas _? —Yeah. I'll tell you later.A.been come upb.come up withc.come upD.came up with答案说选C,说什么come up with提出,其主语是人.不明白为什么 以"个性"为话题的文章怎么去写话题作文?用我问的这个话题写! -John is going to cut down the tree at the school gate .- For what 中的.- For what (语文人教版六年级上册詹天佑)对短文中画_______________的句子,你是怎样理解的?(詹天佑经常勉励工作人员,说:“)我们的工作首先要精密,不能有一点马虎.‘大概’‘差不多’这类说法 短文 一罐水 画横线的句子反映了侵略者的什么 谁有好句子,好段落, 《运动会上感人的一幕》作文怎么写? 谁有 运动会上感人的一件事 的作文 要求800字左右 感人的一幕作文 英文Write down the words under each of the headings是什么意思Write down the words under each of the headings是什么意思 Can you write down the colour in the right place?比如说:black:Africa green:Oceania问题是:( ):Europe ( ):Asia ( ):America 英语each,every,else,write down的 ,求解答!1